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A noob question....please be kind.


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I first want to say that I am very impressed with these forum and how it isn't like many others that are instantly a 'flameing ground'.


I am a new player to Jedi Knight 2. I am usually an America's Army: Operations player, but variety is the spice of life.


Anyway, my question is this...Is there a mod or command line code that would allow one to use twin dual-bladed sabers? The reason I ask is the people that sparked my interest in this game were at a Lan party. Some of them were using dual-blades, others were using dual-bladed sabers in each hand. The even were able to change the color of each blade independently. I don't know what mod it was as at the time I assumed it was part of the game. Now I wish I had asked.


This is a pretty noobish question, I know but it has been just lurking in the back of my mind. I tried a search here and on Google, with no success.


Please help me, Forum goers. You are my only hope.

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