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Don't you guys consider barrysworld and places like that to be proper leagues ? Sith are a nice bunch of blokes but not even worth mentioning on this thread. We,[JCC], were one of the first as far as we know, along with MOH (prolly never heard of us, we started as [JC], if you still nvr heard of us then nvr mind). I understand that the american leagues are pretty big business over there, but we won the season 2 barrysworld league, and one of our players won duelsday 2 seasons in a row and even played in the UK team for the JKII world cup (hosted by jolt, gamesdomain, barrysworld, and some other big place that I can't remember)


I'm not bigging up my clan or anything or saying we're the best, why the hell am I posting on here then ?Just to do a bit of advertising for me clan and to say stop all this attitude crap. Theres always someone better, trust me, all the dueling stuff as well, theres always someone better. If you're talking competitively then yeah you can name a best, but some people don't compete cos they don't care what other people think.

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lo Kainite


I dont remember TMF every being all that high on Clanbase, mabye they we're #1 on one of the ladders at one time but it sounds like they were over reacting there


Oh and the UK vs Germany thing, it was Wireplay and Blueyonder that put forward the other 2 UK players and Germanys JK2-Szene webby put up the german team.

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Originally posted by Kainite

Don't you guys consider barrysworld and places like that to be proper leagues ? Sith are a nice bunch of blokes but not even worth mentioning on this thread. We,[JCC], were one of the first as far as we know, along with MOH (prolly never heard of us, we started as [JC], if you still nvr heard of us then nvr mind). I understand that the american leagues are pretty big business over there, but we won the season 2 barrysworld league, and one of our players won duelsday 2 seasons in a row and even played in the UK team for the JKII world cup (hosted by jolt, gamesdomain, barrysworld, and some other big place that I can't remember)


I'm not bigging up my clan or anything or saying we're the best, why the hell am I posting on here then ?Just to do a bit of advertising for me clan and to say stop all this attitude crap. Theres always someone better, trust me, all the dueling stuff as well, theres always someone better. If you're talking competitively then yeah you can name a best, but some people don't compete cos they don't care what other people think.



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Originally posted by Unnamed Jed1

Two questions:


Who is considered the "best" full Force Duel player in the UK/Euro community?

I have played some of the "elite" but I really am curious who is generally considered to be the #1 player.


Same goes for clans.

What team is considered to have the best full Force saber only line-up?


Thanks in advance.


You can check various individual stats here:



Some people have been unhappy with these rankings...but I have found them to be quite accurate. I am by no means the top player in my area (duel NF) but I win more than I lose and I am ranked in 224 out of 19,740. Of course, the more you play, the better your stats will be-if you are winning, of course :) I only play about once or twice a week, so I'm pretty happy with my placement. Reptile IRON aka SuperLen





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I'm ranked no. 4602 in TFFA. That's it. Umm, I also have 2 play hours. I'm guessing that if don't use gayspy then you aren't listed. Sorry but those stats couldn't be more wrong. The no.1 dueler is a joke.


*also, in FFA, the top players are bots... c'mon, this site has to be a joke.

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Current Position: 1,069

Highest Position: 82

Lowest Position: 1,087

Average Position: 466

Current Number of Ranked Players: 16,921


LMAO, currently 1,069 but on Monday I was 82 according to the "charts" link. WTF. How can I drop that far in a week? This site is teh ghey.


LMAO Special's ranked #2 in CTF right now!!! LoL. Here's the top 25, half my clan is in it, LOL. Guess I need to play more. HEEHEH


1 Jango_Fett 18 Jan 2003 12:32

2 {FK}SpeciaL 18 Jan 2003 13:44

3 Padawan 18 Jan 2003 13:59

4 Proxy 18 Jan 2003 09:50

5 =X=IdiotSavant 18 Jan 2003 05:56

6 HeavyFire 18 Jan 2003 03:20

7 {FK}SiN 18 Jan 2003 04:11

8 Succubus 18 Jan 2003 08:23

9 Tsukasa 18 Jan 2003 00:53

10 84GT-350 18 Jan 2003 05:59

11 Thrindel_Sev 18 Jan 2003 03:35

12 Dun_Setta 18 Jan 2003 11:35

13 Vader 18 Jan 2003 12:47

14 MidnightAngel 18 Jan 2003 05:59

15 i pity u 18 Jan 2003 03:26

16 BF_Superman 18 Jan 2003 06:50

17 @STOPHERE 18 Jan 2003 13:44

18 =X=Master HeX 17 Jan 2003 21:20

19 tvuk 18 Jan 2003 03:26

20 Goran_Skarr 18 Jan 2003 12:32

21 {FK}CanadianSurfer 18 Jan 2003 05:44

22 Kelvin Zero 18 Jan 2003 06:56

23 {FK}Tricknasty 18 Jan 2003 07:17

24 LadyMaul 18 Jan 2003 12:11

25 Darth Sylou


Oh and BTW. Padawan being #3, you know why? That's the combined efforts of EVERY noob and smurfer that plays under the default player name. I can't believe trick and surf are ahead of me, LMAO. But I switch names too often too. I probably have like 5 names on this site.

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Originally posted by Break_dF

I'm ranked no. 4602 in TFFA. That's it. Umm, I also have 2 play hours. I'm guessing that if don't use gayspy then you aren't listed. Sorry but those stats couldn't be more wrong. The no.1 dueler is a joke.


*also, in FFA, the top players are bots... c'mon, this site has to be a joke.


Well,like I said, some people are not happy with the numbers. But I for one don't play with gamespy (shudder), so I don't believe that's the causative factor. It sounds more like the site isn't tracking the server(s) you frequent, for whatever reason. But like some one else said, the ladders are a very good indicator of good players (however, not all good players join ladders). Reptile IRON aka SuperLen





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Cause that site is based on overall points. Like for CTF the people with the highest point totals throughout the maps are going to be high up on the ranks. TFFA/FFA/Duel it'll be the most amount of kills. So someone can really suck but play 24/7 and be ranked pretty decently. If you play CTF, you'll know the best player on the team doesn't always have the highest score. Mostly because alot of his points will go missing due to flag carrier suicides, etc. The most accurate stats program I've seen is the ae stats program. It takes into account best players vs each other instead of just total points/kills. Global rankings don't really work too well for this game as they do in others like CS and UT.

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Well, I have to agree with you there. It seems unfair that your stats should drop when you're not playing lol. I suppose a more accurate stat would be to simply average your total wins by your total losses. But, I imagine that those numbers are just general ideas of your game status and if you really want to know your ranking, then it would be best to enter a ladder :) Reptile IRON aka SuperLen





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As far as im concerned and of course this being just my opinion so plz holster those Flame Blasters....but Competetive clans rarely last In my experiences clans that are all about competition do not last very long because they tend to get very greedy and a lot of backstabbing and fighting over who gets power goes on,now I myself find myself to be an above average player but I know Im not the best in the world nor do I care to be. True Good Clans in my opinion are about the People clans are about people all your trophies and cool website graphics,and servers dont mean jack if you dont have good quality friendships going on. Most Importantly just remember these simple two words when delving into any game that you play and you can quote me on this.......

"Have Fun"

p.s. I dont know if there is any way of distinguishing who is the best clan there is Never heard of TWL but I do play at BSC Battlestats.com and thats a whole diff world whether you PUB,Zone,Gamespy,or league/laddder there is no one way to justify who the best player is its all opinion based cause if you want to say statwise then thats fine but consider that JKO is a game about Jedi which is why there are clans who follow codes so if the best player is the one who knows all the rcon commands and has binded them all to one key on his keyboard that makes him skilled? or exploiting Dev bugs to use to his advantage that makes him skilled?

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so if the best player is the one who knows all the rcon commands and has binded them all to one key on his keyboard that makes him skilled? or exploiting Dev bugs to use to his advantage that makes him skilled?


LMAO. You have no clue what you're talking about. Binding rcon commands. LMFAO!!!!!!!!


As far as competitive clans not lasting, HAHAHAHAHHA what other MP games have you played? This is obviously the only one. Do you know anything about IRC? Go on either irc.enterthegame.com or irc.gamesnet.com and just type /list into the status window. Those clans with 50+ people in their channels have more than likely been around A LONG time, and are ALL competitive. It takes awhile to build up an IRC channel where 50+ people are in all the time. For example, BF (Bastards of the Force) are AKA Bastards Forever and have been around since Tribes, yet they're still competing together. My clan's been around now for 5 months. Granted that's not long, but it's a hell of a lot longer than most JK2 clans and we're a competitive clan. It's all about how you recruit and train. In our views it's the other way around buddy. Those clans that have ranks and gayness, IE rules that say "all padawans must bow to their respective master and do whatever he commands" THATS CRAP! That's a clan WANTING POWER! That's some guy lacking in self-esteem so much that he has to impliment a ranking system in which he maintains POWER and all that join HIS clan BOW to HIM! Saying competitve clans all crave POWER is RIDICULOUS! Competition clans don't tend to have all these RANKS. Yes we have Starters for matches, but more often than not competitive clans are all run as EQUALS. No masters, no padawans, no knights, generals, moffs or whatever other lame ass ranking system 90% of this community has. THAT's what causes the problems, not us serious gamers.


To those reading this aside of the guy that I'm responding too, I'm sorry for being long winded. But I'm sick of hearing that it's the competitive clans faults for the lack of participation in this community. We're not the one's that bitched about 1.02. The little jedi wanna be's did. We're not the one's that bitched about 1.03. The lame rpg dueling clans did. Hence, WE'RE NOT THE ONE'S RUINGING THIS GAME, YOU ARE!

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the top ranked euro clans right now (in FF CTF) are hx, je, tmf arcane(now renamed to de), and more (who is undefeated in cbcup and was formerly tmf akashic); however, if you look at more's lineup you will see me (BF_Aoshi), Aeroshift(De and KHZ), Ownage(KHZ), TooSexy(KHZ HK), Starcraft (BF), Contender (BF) in addition to some very good euro players (members from pG and NOVA). every clan that i've mentioned has been or is ranked 1 in the US and all are high level US players.


also i agree that DSbr USED to be the best FF gunners and CTF players probably in the world, but now that the rest of us have caught up with them they are hard pressed to live up to their reputation. i remember meta and matt being ALOT better than they are now (for those of you that dont know they quit for a while and then they came back to own us again but found it harder than they expected. they retired undefeated and the #1 ranked clan in CTF, TDM FF, and TDM Sabers.). buffeh is still as good as i remember him though and if anyone he is the top FF gunner in the world (in my opinion).


if some of you teams that think you're good want to try your luck join http://www.teamwarfare.com for clans in north america and http://www.esl-europe.net/eu/ or http://www.clanbase.com for clans in europe. i'd say that teams on teamwarfare tend to be better than teams on esl and clanbase (and i do play on all 3 of these ladders). anyways good luck hope to see ya soon.


oh and to that guy that said this

"so if the best player is the one who knows all the rcon commands and has binded them all to one key on his keyboard that makes him skilled? or exploiting Dev bugs to use to his advantage that makes him skilled?"

you dont know what the hell you're talking about so just dont talk k? tricks that we know arent "rcon commands" they're things like wallglides, strafe jumps, certain console commands, ect.

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Finally someone in the competitive community chimes in. Thanks Aoshi.


Here's the problem I've found with the people on this board. Alot of you tend to think you're the best of the best for some reason or another. You tend frequent duel servers and ffa servers with the little rpg rules etc. Many a clan formed on these forums has ventured onto teamwarfare and the like and found out the hard way that they weren't as good as they thought. For example, {BotF} Brethren of the Force. They thought they were the best. They talked all the talk, and then joined the TWL ladder and challenged us, the #1 clan, right off the bat. And guess what happened? Here I'll show you...








It was a rude awakening for them. So come one come all. Join the ladders and see if you've got what it takes. But don't bitch about whored moves, accuse people of scripting, or anything of the like, because anything goes in clan battles aside of client side hacks. And scripts aren't clientside hacks. Scripting is built in the game engine and accepted by most all leagues and ladders. Plus if you still think scripts give people a decided advantage, then you're either a noob or not as good as you think.


Our battles with clans can be seen here...

http://www.fallenknightsclan.com click SCREENS link

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Still you gotta admit even on TWl . the majority of players are still newbs and newbs. TWL filters out alot of newbies but the moajority of them still suck. Im #19 in sabz ff and I havn't won a single match yet. NO one has played me. IVe won only through forfiets. The previous #8 team on twl was defeated by EJM im in it. 8to 0 8 to 0. Both maps. And from playing with alot of the other teams, like master of destruction on their servers. THey aren't too good also.

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Yeah, I did one fight for like 30th rung ( it was the highest person I could challenge at the time because it was my first match ) and I won 10-0 on mine easily and 10-2 on his because he rolls around and heals.


On another note, I am pretty much unmatched on MSN Gaming Zone so i decided to challenge Break_dF thinking he wasnt that good. Shows how stupid i am.

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Originally posted by lllKyNeSlll

Im #19 in sabz ff and I havn't won a single match yet. NO one has played me.


Silenoz_dF (#14), myself (#28), CommunistBastard (#4), and Break_dF (#2) are all working our way up the ladder. Trust me when you get to play one of these people in a "true" no B.S. duel it is going to be an interesting experience to say the least.

Swift (#1) is not one of those guys who lucked out and had it handed to him either. He is w/o a doubt one of the best FF duelers in the world.



One guy to watch out for is [*|Fury-Ancient|*] (#90).

He was trained by (and in for a while) SF and Break and is going to tear a lot of people up on there.


Pilot-x3G-01H2 (#12) is one of the lamest players you will ever meet, so be warned if you get a match w/ him.

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UJ. Most of the people up there including communist bastard Im not worried about that are ahead of me. 0892, swift, break, canadian surfer are the only people I think are pretty good in the top 10. Im not sure if canadian surfer is good it just says he beat 0892 so i assume so. Im planning to avoid playing Silinoz_dF until I make top 10. I beat this person called Yuna (KOR-YUNA)who claimed she was one of the best. I won that one 10 to 1 or so. Same with FoTs DarkStar. However what i meant by newby TWl players was the TDM and CTF section. Alot of the top 10 on both are really big newb clans who we havn't had the chance to challenge yet.

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Originally posted by lllKyNeSlll

UJ. Most of the people up there including communist bastard Im not worried about that are ahead of me. 0892, swift, break, canadian surfer are the only people I think are pretty good in the top 10. Im not sure if canadian surfer is good it just says he beat 0892 so i assume so. Im planning to avoid playing Silinoz_dF until I make top 10. I beat this person called Yuna (KOR-YUNA)who claimed she was one of the best. I won that one 10 to 1 or so. Same with FoTs DarkStar. However what i meant by newby TWl players was the TDM and CTF section. Alot of the top 10 on both are really big newb clans who we havn't had the chance to challenge yet.


I see what you are saying but I don't think you get the point I'm trying to make.


Playing us (as in SF) in our server when we are screwing around and playing us in an official duel match are nothing alike.


There was a guy a while back we recruited and trained named Night/Day (he also played under the name Isenheart).


The kid had an amazingly fast ptk and turned out to be a damn good dueler. Most of the time when we fought in our server I could not match his speed and he did beat me quite a lot.


One day (after he had left us) he got cocky and said "I just took a screen shot of the score board; I think I'm going to beat you guys on twl".


I asked him if he wanted to see what it is really like to play me when I'm serious.


I took him 18-0 and he dropped off the twl ladder that night.


Commie can be totally ruthless when he wants to. The way he plays in our server may be cheap as Hell but it is not full blown all out. Trust me on that.

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