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quake3 maps in jk2


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if i remember correctly jk2 runs on a quake3 engine right? i was wonderinng is there a way to put quake3 maps into jedi outcast. is this even possible? the quake3 maps are very scary looking and thats always good :) so please if anyone out there knows if this is possible hey i'm on it ;) or maybe throw all the files from jk2 into quake 3 so it would be looked at as a MOD? or would that just screw everything up?

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I seriously doubt that you could bring a Q3 map into JK2 without some type of map modification (which would require the .map of course) because they (most likely) use different entities and other things like that, so it may be possible, but it might not be as pretty, besides Q3 maps are designed for FPS play w/o force jump/pull/push/etc. figured inot the equation, so there wouldnt be as much room to jump around and such.


Why dont you take a q3 .pk3 and stick in your jk2 base directory to try it out? If it does mess it up (which I cant see it doing any damage), you can always reinstall...

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Ent definitions are different, but not as much as you would think.

Info_player_deathmatch in Quake3 maens the exact same thing in JKII...

Lights are lights, ect...


The problem your going to run into is the amount of changes that raven, actually ritual did to the shaders. If I remember correctly, Q3 shaders fail under the JKII engine. Aka you would have to retexture your maps with JKII textures...


And of course JKII has no idea what a plasma gun is...:)


I have taken a few of my Q3 maps and converted them to JKii...

Its not as much work as it sounds, but its not really easy either...

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Ritual? Ritual didn't play any part in the code of the modified Q3TA engine that JO uses... JO's engine shares the same code base with SoF2, which is based off EF which is based of Q3TA.


Ritual developed F.A.K.K. 2, and didn't have any part in JO. I think you got your games mixed up. ;)


If you have the MAP file, the architecture will be the same, the entities will be there but many will not work... Shaders are easily recreated, or copied (illegal I guess, although shaders are very basic, and recreating it wouldn't be different from just using the original one). You could get some new textures or illegally take the old ones from Q3.


If you tried to load a Q3 BSP into JO, JO's going to crash and burn. First, the games use different BSP format variants (IBSP and RBSP or something like that), so it would die just from that. But if you got past that, it would go nuts since all the shaders and entities are wrong.

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You have a hell of a lot to learn about the Quake3 engine my friend...


Yes ritual did do Fakk2, they then licensed thier changes to a number of companies, Rogue enterianment being one...

I know, I knew those guys very very well... Bobby Pavlock and I we're prett good buds, Its too bad I lost contact with him when he moved to austin...:(

Any way... Alice, Fakk2, JO, and a few other games all share the wonderfull content that Ritual made avalible.

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Oh and Emon if you need any real prof other than just take my word...:)


please see this link




Please note all the terms and such that sound really famialure to you...:)

AI documentation should key you in...

It does look like Raven created the script editer. But who knows, ritual is allways tweaken their ****.../shrug

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Its not really mixed information...:) We're just argueing about symantics..:)


If you only have a BSP file, then no it wont work...

If you have the map file, then it would work, after you retexture/change ents/did some redesign's(remove jump pads/portals/etc), aka it would be alot of work...

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Er, actually, that AI documentation doesn't give any useful information to support your claim. And seeing as how James Monroe, Raven's lead programmer, said that they built JO/SoF2 of EF, you know, I think I'm going to take his word over your speculation...

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I should also point this out, from the Jedi Knotes on the LucasArts JO website, written by James Monroe:


We have added many new features to the already complete Quake 3: Team Arena® engine, and now we're just tweaking them. These features include adding all of the single player elements to the engine (ladders/saved games etc.), light styles, a new scripting language and a new, from scratch A.I. system.
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