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posted by Aristotle

*New Forum Feature* - "LF.Com Credits" (12-30-2002 until 01-30-2003)


Starting today, you can earn "Credits" to be traded in for various "goodies" which are available at the LucasForums Store, located on the main LucasForums.Com page at this location .


You can earn Credits many different ways on the forums. Each time you post, your earn credits. The more people that read your post, the more points you earn. The more replies to your post, the more you earn. You can also donate credits to friends as well. In the Store you can track who has the most credits, and who's not far behind.


This is not an excuse to attempt to SPAM the boards, because if your post is deleted, you LOSE lots of credits.


This additional forum modification is being tested this week, and it may or may not stay on LucasForums long term.


Earning credits allows you to do a variety of functions you would otherwise NOT be allowed to do on the forums.


The prizes are subject to modification as we work out the bugs with this new feature.


In the meantime, enjoy the new feature.


Check out the store to find out prices and items you can buy. And check out the anouncement thread to find more updates like that.

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