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IRON Brigade - JK2 Recruiting Now


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"When the entire galaxy is against you, sometimes you need to use a little Force." - Turgenev, Jedi Jester


It is a dark time for the New Republic. Warfare and chaos has become the meat and drink of choice, where splinter cells, proto-dictatorships and heretics clash vibroblades and tear at each other's throats. Proton fire and argon laserlight illuminate the charred remains of the Empire. Cobalt and ruby lightsabers find themselves once more raised in the cause of freedom or domination, once more wielded in the name of Light... or Darkness.


Such are the perils you face in JEDI KNIGHT II: Jedi Outcast, a rather remarkable game by Lucasarts where YOU are given the opportunity to fight, to kill and to die, whether by sabercut or by laserfire. And the IRON Brigade has risen to the challenge, producing and accepting members of integrity, responsibility and resilience in the face of danger, menace... and RECRUITMENT!


How would you like to be a member of a multi-game community, which enjoys nightly scrambles and duels and scrimmages amongst their own team, and against teams of like caliber? Where your fellow teammates are adults who enjoy gaming for the challenge of skill, rather than the zealot's path of winning at any cost?


How would you like to be a member of the JK2 division, where your opinions and choices matter? Where you can ask questions, answer inquiries, study under our best fighters, or train our newest members? Where you can TALK with us via Teamspeak, and brag (goodnaturedly, or we'll hunt you down like a Fett after Solo) about your latest skill-kill, or just chat and get to know your teammembers more?


How would you like to enjoy JK2 with other people as a GAME, and not a burden? Where our mantra is, ultimately, "Real life first?" Where the goal is to have FUN, and all else is subordinate to that mandate?


If none of these questions appeal to you, then move along. We're not the droids you're looking for.


If you are intrigued, and want to know more...




... then come and see.



From a word to a word I was led to a Word / From a deed to another Deed. - The Poetic Edda

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*Reptile sheds a tear ..."Man,that was beautiful!" Awesome job, Turgenev...once again you have eloquently summed up so many things that make IRON such a cool clan to be a part of. I encourage anyone who isn't affiliated with a clan to come check us out and see if we would be right for you. And why your there, check out our other teams...including our new UT2K3 team! Reptile IRON aka SuperLen :)







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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's a bump and a plug...things are really in full swing over here at IRON. The JK2 is rockin in full gear with it's CTF team and duel team. We have recently descended on TWL's NF duel ladder and are making our prescence felt (ewwww, not like that!) Our other teams are going strong as well, Ghost Recon, America's Army, IL-2, NeverWinterNights, Tribes2 and our newest and dearest, UT2K3! IRON is a multi-gaming group who's attitude is life and fun first! NO power trips from some 13 year old "l337" jedi who wants to be the big daddy of his clan LOL. If IRON sounds like the right place for you, please stop by our site and check us out! Reptile IRON aka SuperLen





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  • 2 weeks later...

beautiful triple post their Rep ;)


anyways yes IRON is a very fun clan to play in. we have many diferent gaming communities. the JK2 team is only a sliver. for those who have played me in JK2 know me by


MysticSpade IRON


because i'm a card-holdin member of IRON and it's a close knit group of people who are always willin to lend a helpin hand whenever it is needed. so anyone who is even thinkin of joinin a JK2 clan i really suggest this one just on the company you'd be in. it's fun and mature and you'll have a good time to boot.


farewell..............MysticSpade IRON



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  • 2 weeks later...

Well here is another bump. I have written some Emails and even PMed people but have not gotten any response back yet so my question is this: If you guys are an active clan, which I know you are by your members and your involvement, how come IRON has you listed as inactive?


I check everyone's sites and forums and I found this a little odd.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, Paul.


I read your post, and am curious as to which forum you're referring to. :) The official forum is:




The public forum allows for any postage; the members forum is self-explanatory. You're welcome to post and introduce yourself to the many members of IRON!


I should warn you about something important. The IRON Brigade's JK2 division is on a sort of hiatus currently; several of our members have been called to war, which chopped up our membership a bit. That, some real life issues and frankly being a bit worn from playing a game for almost a YEAR, has led us to take a less active step in weekly gaming sessions, and doing it on a request basis. This doesn't mean we're disbanded. ;) This means we're on a break in the kitchen, but will gladly come to the living room to whoop it up saberstyle!


I felt that, since you took the time to respond to the forum with your inquiry, you deserved a clearer idea of what you were inquiring about. The IRON Brigade is an active, thriving body of gamers from all walks of life, amongst a dozen games. Jedi Knight II is on that list, just not at the very top for us right now. :)


Please feel free to stop by the Public Forum and post your greetings there. Check us out, and thank you for your inquiry.





Former Command Councilman of IRON-JK2

Command Councilman of IRON-UT2K3

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Well I was just curious. As I stated earlier I check every clans site and forums to see if there are ideas I like to try out or just see who is serious, etc. I went to IRON and tried the members list. There is nothing there. I went to the Contact a Leader page. No one was there. I saw the forums but that seemed to be the only thing active. I tried Emailing and PMing some members but got no response. As a last resort I wrote here. I knew that you guys were recruiting people but I thought it was odd because according to the IRON site there isn't anyone there. That is why I posted my comments. I was just curious.



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Originally posted by BigTeddyPaul

I meant








The actual site not the forums.




I don't think we've ever bothered with those pages since I've been aboard. :) Sorry for the confusion. Yeah, most of the rosters are outta date due to, well, laziness! We're too busy playing! *:D The Forums are really where we all get the convos going on, tweaking Teamspeak for 30-player usage, setting up member-specific servers, playing playing playing, blah blah blah. ;) I respect your diligence in reviewing those areas - all I can say is ignore the front end and check out our forums, where all the action is? :) Thanks!



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