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SWBG still a lot fun


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Guest DarthMaulUK

Clone Campaigns I believe has added alot more to the game than the original.


I still enjoy playing SWGB and the fact that those who left to play AoM (Age of Mythology) are flocking back to SWGB proves that SWGB has the appeal.


The only problem, as mentioned lots of times before, is playing on the MSN ZONE with certain people disrupting things.


I really can't wait for SWGB 2 and remember, Galactic Battles.com WILL be the first site to bring full details once they are available.



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Mainly I play the zone cause my friends don't have the game. But i just play nice RM maps, no rushing just the full

the game has to offer and i have no problems with the zone i wait just the people who are playing the game 'normal'

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Originally posted by R5D4

Mainly I play the zone cause my friends don't have the game. But i just play nice RM maps, no rushing just the full

the game has to offer and i have no problems with the zone i wait just the people who are playing the game 'normal'


For some reason, GB just isn't as playable as AOE2. There is something missing, let's call it soul. There isn't any real drive to perfectly simulate the characters, to give them voices that sound real and to simulate thousands of cloud cars. Oh and the graphics ruined the experiences and compat was pretty poor. The whole reason I bought the game was the scenario editor, as the dreams I had, of streaking lasers and what comes with it. It's a great game though it was only in the Darth Vader campaign that we got some originality, ingenuity and new locations.


Oh and the actual campaigns in the add-on pack weren't exactly 'polished.'


Remember it's still a good game, and I don't want any throwing knives.

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