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JK2 Needs a Better Model for Ghoul2 Server Reference


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For those that don't know, all the MP gameplay is calculated server-side with a single model (by default, Kyle's model). There are some problems with using Kyle. His surfaces aren't totally hitzone specific and he has extra crap on his model (belt, shoulder pad, etc.) that reduces the accuracy of ghoul2 traces.


We need a modeler to create a more basic model for model calculation server-side. One without model specific features (belts, pads, etc) and with every surface well defined based on hitzone. It shouldn't be hard for a modeller to do and it would be a great help to all us modders. With a good ghoul2 reference model, a much better hitzone/hit detection system is easy to do with ghoul2 traces. (I already have one working based on Kyle's model) I suggest the following hitzones for the new model....


Please contact me if you're willing to make the model.


Hitzone Surfaces (Top to Bottom)



Neck (Some you can use choking animations on Death)

Shoulders (Left/Right)

Arms (Left/Right)

Chest (Vital/NonVital Organ Areas; Left/Right) (For Damage adjusts, you can survive a bullet thru the lung but not one thru the heart)

Hands (Left/Right)

Butt (Left/Right) ("Mankiller received a lethal injection to the left buttock")

Groin (See above)

Legs (Left/Right)

Feet (Left/Right)

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I have no problem making a totoally neutral model for you... in fact I have a VERY neutral body model allready finished and ready. Has no extra parts, the mesh is basically a slim/fit human, naked, with no accesories. All the tags are aligned properly and the mesh is weighed.


But you'd need to help me out a bit more with your hitzone surfaces... are you talking about naming the torso/head etc segmented objects by the names you gave?


I thought damage was attributed by the tags and not the mesh itself... having trouble discerning what exactly you need. Maybe I can send you this model that I am talking about, and you can tell me what you need.

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Sure, send me the model. I'll pm my email address.


The basejk2 hitzone system has NOTHING to with the model. It's based off a bunch of vector math that doesn't account for animations at ALL. My/Herr's system is based on which surface the shot hits first. The surface names aren't important since I use the surface numbers. (Sides, I think some of the surfaces have to have certain names for the stuff to work right.) The real key is to have the surfaces match exactly to the hitzones. Otherwise, the the system loses accuracy because I'd have to use vector math (that can't follow the model animations ever well) to determine hitzones. The model shape and size needs to be VERY generic, an average of all the models' dimensions. Heck, a exact clone of kyle with different surface areas would work.

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I'll send you the model this week as I'm currently away for work. You can tell me which surfaces need editing once you take a look at the wireframe. Again this model is quite generic, no extra surfaces, just a slim fit human body, no facial features whatsoever. :D

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I dont think that will be a problem... it was a shadowtrooper mesh that was edited so the symmetry and body proportion should be just right.. he did look okay in game bu I have to admit it is more of a "blank-stale" than anything so I havent played with him extensively. I'll let you be the judge of that when you get the model. :D

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Wouldn't it be better to just change all that.. so that it actually does use the appropriet model for the physics collision? Because.. if a player's model is that fat Redorian for example it'd make quite a bit of difference.


It couldn't effect bandwidth all that much could it? Either way, i think it'd be worth it.

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It might be possible but....


1. We'd have to figure out the surface to hitzone calculations for every model in existance since the surfaces change from model to model.


2. Wire up a system to handle the additional models. Would it be server models? What about clients with models that the server doesn't have? Etc. Etc.


3. Assload of coding.


4. Capes and other crap would count as hitzones.


5. We'd also have to worry about people cheating with it.


6. 99% of the models are about the same shape-wise anyway. Is it worth all that effort for the Fat Rondian and that weird alien guy that agent J made?


Basically, I don't think it's worth the hassle for a modder team to do. Since community support for mods is so poor, noone would go to the hassle of making their models compatible with the system. The only way to make people do it would be to force them to by release the game with that feature built in. (Something Raven could do for JK3.)

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For maxmium accuracy, the reference model's surfaces need to match as much as possible.


Obviously, not everyone plays with the same model, but all the models are roughly the same. That's why we can even use a single reference model in the first place.

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Oh that was just being picky. Sides, the "vital zones" would be assigned on the surface mesh only. (no lungs/heart needed) We only really need the default hit locations from the game. I was just suggesting additional surfaces for possible future expansion. :)

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