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Problems with Botroutes

Ryick Pa'tran

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I have finished creating my pk3 (.bsp, .arena, .jpg, and .mp3) and I decided I try making a botroute. I followed the tutorials (included with the game and the one made by Wedge) I have and everything was going great. When I reached the last waypoint I decided to save (bot_wp_save). The command was not recognized. I tried many times to save with no luck. I eventually became fed up with it and shut off the game. That was yesterday.


Today I decided to give it another try. Now I am unable to get into bot edit mode. When I type set bot_wp_edit , I get a list of six different set commands. When I try bot_wp_add , it becomes what I say (in green text). I was able to edit yesterday (but not save), what happened? Is it because Of what i did yesterday? Do I need to change the name of my map and try it again?


As a side note, there is no folder in my Gamedata folder called botroutes. There never has been. Isn't this where a newly created botroute file starts? I know it needs to be placed in the Botroutes folder in the pk3 when it's done.


Please help, school starts in a few days and I will no longer have the time to work on this map. It's either now or never.


Thanks in advance,

Ryick Pa'tran

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Hmmm. I'll take those one at a time:


1) bot_wp_save shouldn't have any problems, so let me just check two things: first, you were actually in waypoint edit mode, right? Your should be able to see all your waypoints as floating numbers if you are. Second, did you just "say" "bot_wp_edit?" somtimes you need to add a backslash before commands so that the game recognizes that you typed a command and not a chat line: "\bot_wp_save"


2) Cheats need to be enabled to enter waypoint editing mode. MAke sure either your server allows cheats, or you start the game with the btach line in my tutorial: "jk2mp +devmap mapname" The devmap argument will start the game with your map, in cheat enabled mode. The only other thing I can think of is the same as before: try adding a backslash before the command if the computer thinks you are "saying" it instead of typing a command.


3) There is no GameData/base/botroutes folder originally, but there is one in assets0.pk3 if you look at its file structure. When you save your first bot route successfully, you'll see a base/botroutes fodler with your first route file in it.

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Just as something of a side note, I was wondering about something.


I have my map as a pk3 in the Base folder. I also have my map as the usual .bsp, .bak, and .map files in the Map folder.


Do I need to remove any of these in order to do my Bot-routing? What about after I finish my pk3? Do I still need the .bak, or the .map, or the .bsp? What is this .prt file?


Thanks in advance,

Ryick Pa'tran

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