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I'm sure I have at least one fan. Some guy out there who nvr posts and just reads the forums thinking "OMG that guy Kainite is sooooo kool, I want his babies, where can I get a T-Shirt with his face on it?"


If its so pathetic then stop posting :p


Personally I'm amazed I've got so many replies ha ha, thought it'd just be glimpsed over and gone straight to bottom of list, thanx very much :D


By the way I didn't actually just sit down and write this, was bored at work.

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I'm sure I have at least one fan. Some guy out there who nvr posts and just reads the forums thinking "OMG that guy Kainite is sooooo kool, I want his babies, where can I get a T-Shirt with his face on it?"


If its so pathetic then stop posting :p


Personally I'm amazed I've got so many replies ha ha, thought it'd just be glimpsed over and gone straight to bottom of list, thanx very much :D


By the way I didn't actually just sit down and write this, was bored at work.

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I'm killing the community? Woah, that's a huge responsibility. I have been hitting every decked vulcanis server lately and spamming "/say /amshutthe****up!" while sexually harassing the already high-maintanance admins...maybe the lack of competitive play IS my fault. I should really strive to be a better rpger in this game so plagued w/ fps enthusiasts.

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no no, competitive play is good, very healthy for the community, cos more people want to join and be the best. But when you start hating or disliking people thats when all the bad feelings arise and people start leaving :( We;re all a family, lets not turn this game into counterstrike (don't even think thats possible) with everyone trying to be the best at the expense of everyone having a laugh and a good game. I've really got no problem with you man, I've heard of your reputation and I respect that, but don't start giving me poo for no reason :D

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I honestly don't get the reference to counterstrike. I understand that there's alot of aimbots and hacks for that game and what not, but dude, that game is the most popular online game going right now. Like over 20,000 servers worldwide, thousands of players on at anytime. If JK2 could ever get to that level it'd be awesome. And you can't say it's because of the *******s that it's not at that level. EVERY game has those people. And you yourself said CS has a ton of them, yet it's still the most played game. Anyways, Break's just giving ya a little rib here and there. He does it to me and my clan daily on our forums, just laugh it off or ignore it. When you start showing it's affecting you, ten it's gonna add fuel to the fire. :D

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Ok the counterstrike reference isn't exact, but its a teamplay game, thats ALL it is, and you get people on a servr just trying to maximize their own score instead of completing objective, complaining at 'n00bs' who steal their frags. Its just all the attitude that goes with these games that I don't want to pass on to JKII. It happens in every single large FPS game, luckily (or unluckily depends how you look at it) the JKII playing base is relatively small.


I'd rather we had no game at all than everyone hating eachother in a mad power struggle to get to the top.


On a side note, are you the kind of people that will move onto the next big FPS when it comes out and try to own at that as well ? What I mean is you're not like die hard star wars fans or anything like that ? Will you stop playing this when the next big thing comes out ? (something like doom 3 or whatever)

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I am a "die hard" star wars fan, however I'm also a "die hard" FPS fan. And I'm also a very competitive person by nature. I don't find it fun to lose. I don't find it fun to not be good at things I do, whether in real life or in gaming. I'm not the kind of person that's satisfied just being ok or decent at something.


People say games are for fun, and yes they are but winning is fun. The point of games is to win, hence why there's a WINNER in EVERY type of game. Even in RPG's there's a winner of some sort.


And one thing. I know you didn't say it kanonite, but I hear it so damn often in this game. "Being an honorable Jedi". WTF?!?!? Come on. I know this is a Star Wars game but please. It's an INTERNET game. How many of you are ever going to actually meet any of the people you play against? Is it really that much fun being "honorable"? Some people have fun drain whoring, or lightning spamming yet these things aren't considered "honorable". It's hypocrisy. People have their own ideas of what is proper and what is fun. Forcing your opinions on others isn't very "honorable" and the one's usually doing this are the clans/players that claim to be "honorable". Anyways, I'm rambling now. So I'll end here. Just know that if you venture into the FK server or the SF server don't bitch about kicks, or pull kicks, or throw-pull-kicks, or saber down = no attack, because all these will occur.

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I'm also a big SW fan and one of the few people playing this game that was actually alive when they first came out (although quite young).


That said, I have also been playing FPS type games on a competitive level since the whole clan concept was pretty much born back in Quake World.


Don't get me wrong, I'm all for the role playing for those who like it. All of the custom skins and models are out there for a reason. If this was just a "point and click/kill shooter" none of us would download these.


Trash talking is going to happen in any online game.

I played DOOM on a 28.8 nearly a decade ago and trash talk was just as present as it is today.


Where problems arise is when people who do like the game just for the "SW stuff" try to implement their "codes of behavior" on those who just want to play a FPS and kill stuff.


I understand if a server admin wants certain rules enforced. As one who pays for and provides a dedicated public JK2 server myself, there are certain things that I do not tolerate on our server.


But it is funny how people come onto our server and immediately start demanding we follow their "code of honor".


The bottom line is, if you are so Hell bent on playing a certain game type or in a certain manner, find a server with people of similar interests and play with those people.


I don't go onto the FK server and demand they change it from CTF to duel.

I don't go to the Dark Side duel servers and demand they enable Force.

I don't go into the =X= server and demand they enable pull throwing.


Find a place you like and play there and have fun.

But if you come somewhere and start demanding others conform to the way you feel everyone should play, be prepared to be flamed.

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