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Sky shaders, circular staircase and a Laser Beam effect

Master Toke

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In SP, there is an area (inside doomgiver maybe??) where out of this huge window you can see tie fighters flying around. There is a gun that you can sit into and shoot the fighters. I'm wondering if the tie fighters are part of a shader or something that I can use in a MP map. Anyone know?


I read a tip on how to create a circular staircase. It involved creating a multisided brush, then slicing it up and positioning each slice in a "staircase" fasion. This method works, but you have to create a brush that is a minimum of 32 sides in order for the stairs to be high enough so that you can walk under them, which makes the whole procedure messy. Does anyone have another method they use?


In the SP game, there is a part where Kyle has to use Force Speed to run down these hallways while avoiding this huge laser beam that runs through the halls. I want to add that element to my MP map. I think the Deathstar map has this, but I've only seen it once and it killed me too fast to be sure what is was. I've looked at all the effects that might be a laser beam but I've been unsuccessful at getting the effect to work. The closest I've come is the ion_cannon effect which even though I connect it to a target_position, it still shoots vertical and not horizontal.

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As far as the circular staircase goes... I'm not sure how tight a spiral you'd like, but you could do it like this :


Create a brush that you'd like to be your first step, then hit spacebar to duplicate it and position it above the first step. Then use the 'Free Rotation' button to rotate the second step to where you'd like it. Repeat this process until the staircase is the height you want. You can experiment with the size of the brush and how tight you'd like the staircase to spiral to suit your tastes.

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I only see an "Arbitrary Rotation" option (in JKRad, or whatever its called), and no "Free Rotation." The "Arbitrary Rotation" wasn't letting me rotate to any angle I wanted... it forces a "standard" angle (like 90, 270, etc). Like, I could set my rotation to something odd, like 33, and I can see (in 2D view) the brush being rotated, but, once I press "Ok" the brush immediately swings to a standard angle.


Um, I'm probably not making sense. :p



And my few attempts using fx_target_beam (or something like that) have failed. In fact, when I use that I don't get any effect at all.

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The "Arbitrary Rotation" wasn't letting me rotate to any angle I wanted... it forces a "standard" angle (like 90, 270, etc).
If you use arbitrary rotation you can enter any value you want, so I don't undertand...


Originally posted by Leslie Judge

Just an idea for the laser: fx_target_beam?

targeting a target_position?

From entity description:

"target" - ent to point at- you MUST have this. This can be anything you want, including a moving ent - for static beams, just use info_null
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