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Determining if Cheats are Enabled in cgame


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I'm using the following bit of code to determine if cheats are enabled in cgame:


qboolean	bCheatsEnabled;

// See if cheats are enabled
bCheatsEnabled = qfalse;
s = Info_ValueForKey( sysInfo, "sv_cheats" );
if ( s[0] == '1' ) {
bCheatsEnabled = qtrue;


It's not working quite the way I expected it to (i.e. it's not working ;) ), so does anyone else have a method for checking if cheats are enabled when working in cgame?


In the game code it looks straigtforward (just use CheatsOk()), but on the client side I couldn't find any other examples other than the bit I recycled above.


Any help will be appreciated.





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qboolean	bCheatsEnabled;

// See if cheats are enabled
char var[MAX_TOKEN_CHARS];
bCheatsEnabled = qfalse;
trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( "sv_cheats", var, sizeof( var ) );
if ( atoi(var) == 1) { bCheatsEnabled = qtrue; }


would that do it ? looks like it :) hope this helps

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Oops. Forgot to give an update here! :rolleyes:


Per a discussion thread on Quake3World.com forums, I modified the cgs_t structure in cg_local.h, adding a new flag called, ironically, "sv_cheats." ;)

typedef struct {

// ( snipped code... )

// jodfmod - sv_cheats flag
int  sv_cheats;

} cgs_t;


This flag gets set in CG_DrawInformation() in cg_info.c, where the check for cheats already existed. This way, I don't mess around too much with existing code, and I can use this flag wherever I want on the client side. ;)


Ultimately, however, what I ended up doing was making this modification on the server side anyway, in the ClientSpawn() function. It works pretty well, because now if cheats are enabled they get the saber, otherwise the player gets the stun baton.


I left my flag modification in there, just in case I need it somewhere in the client-side code. It just might come in handy... :D

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