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Now here's an Idea!

Guest DarthGohan1016

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Guest DarthGohan1016

*light bulb* all the PS2 haters, and all the starfighter Haters *s* leave this forum, quit coming to it, knocking starfighter and the PS2, in case you guys didnt notice points at the name of this particular forum, it's about STARFIGHTER, and if you don't like it that's your own opinion,just quit coming here and telling us how much it's gonna suck, how lame it is, and how crappy the PS2 is and how much better! the DC is, just quit coming, quit posting on this forum already, all you're doing is diminishing our excitement about this possibly great game and a great system, okay! so *waves bye bye to Dave Maul, and Pedro* or! you can quit knocking the Game and system, and be good little boy's and actually talk about the prospects of the game!

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Guest Saesee Tom

Thankyou, Darth Gohan! Nobody has said it clearer than you. Mind if I quote you on a couple of hundered other message boards?


*My Theory: they all subconciously hate the PS2. This is because of two reasons:


1. They glances quickly at the 20 launch

titles, without actually reading reviews

and seeing screenshots. Now they are

forgetting that there will be MORE games

in the future.

2. Everyone has gotten really attached to

their cheap little Dreamca$ts.

3. Most of the good software (see Munch's

Oddysee) has been moved to the XBox

overnight. This is mainly due to the

sneaky briefcase full of dosh in the hand

of that cheater BILL GATES! CURSE HIM!


*Or they are jelous they could not get one, or it's too expensive. (Sorry to dissapoint you, but Santa won't bring you one.)


The PlayStation 2 will ROCK! WETHER YOU WANT IT TO OR NOT.




Visit Saesee Tom and YLH's General Discussion Forum!

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Guest Darth_Simpson

Everyone has gotten really attached to their cheap little Dreamca$ts.


I'm not gonna say anything...


The PS2 might rock for some people, however, it has nothing that appeals to me, and neither did the PSX. Mind if I voice my opinion, or is that illegal?


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Guest DarthGohan1016

well no offence to you tom, where at the same frame of mind, but I'd like everyone to just quit knocking the PS2 and everyone to quit knocking the DC, so if we can all just quit doing that, the forum would be okay


Simpson-hardy har har har, can't we all just get along? and quit knocking eachothers systems? =)

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**Waves towards Gohan as a sign of greeting, warns him about his sister being a DBZ-freak**. Say Gohan, I never said that Starfighter was a bad game, in fact, I'm really looking towards it.(now only if it would get a DC-version). And I don't say that the PS2 stinks,I'm just saying that it has a lot of shortcoming, & a lot of roaches. wink.gif. All I'm saying is that PS2 doesn't quite live up to the hype. And I'll never forgive Sony for bribing all those stores&developers, and kicking the Saturn into the ground like that. Thanks to that I had allways had to search half the country to find a game.

And Saesee, I have seen all the screenshots & I've read all the reviews, and so I know that opinions are devided. And for some games I would say "yes, I do want a PS2", like MGS2. But I'm sure that you know where you want to say "yes, I do want a cheap Dreamcast".

And BTW, about the games, since I started gaming, I didn't care about the quantity, I cared about the quality.And I don't care about graphics(I had to make do with a Commodore 64 until 1994).I care about gameplay, and I find both of those things with the Dreamcast. But once again I must say: "what happened to the time that all console owners lived in peace, without laughing at there so-called inferiour machine". So I'm saying, let's do like we did back in the time of the SNES and the Genesis/Mega-Drive. Back then it was like, WOW!You have a SNES, I have a Mega-Drive, let's borrow each others for a week.

Let us stop saying "this game could NEVER work on a DC/PS2/X-BOX/Gamecube".

I have a dream, that my 4 little consoles.... OOPS, now I'm taking it too far, but you get my point, right. wink.gif




I am your father.

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Let's put these notions to the test. I don't really hate the PS2, I don't *hate* any console, but there are some consoles I feel are a waste of my money (the way they currently are), so I won't be buying them.


Saying we dislike a system is only a response to the hype about the system, billing it as a end-all/be-all system. Though I am not a fanatic.


1. They glances quickly at the 20 launch

titles, without actually reading reviews

and seeing screenshots. Now they are

forgetting that there will be MORE games

in the future.

I have played/watched many of these titles at E3, so I haven't just "glaced quickly" at them. I don't see an impressive enough library of games to warrant buying the system right now. IF enough good games were released for it in the future, I might consider it, but until that time, I can't just buy the system hoping it will get better games someday, that doesn't make sense to me. Without good games now, it's not worth my money.

2. Everyone has gotten really attached to

their cheap little Dreamca$ts.

I don't own an DC, but I will buy a DC before I buy a PS2, mainly because it has more and better games, IMHO. Yes, it is also cheaper, that's not the only factor, but certainly one in its favor.

3. Most of the good software (see Munch's

Oddysee) has been moved to the XBox

overnight. This is mainly due to the

sneaky briefcase full of dosh in the hand

of that cheater BILL GATES! CURSE HIM!

That is only a factor if you were really looking forward to those games. The only titles that look promising to me for the Xbox are Obi-Wan, Halo, and possibly New Legends, not enough to warrant buying an Xbox. Still, that's more than I can say for the PS2 right now.

*Or they are jelous they could not get one, or it's too expensive. (Sorry to dissapoint you, but Santa won't bring you one.)

I didn't wait in line to get one, didn't bother trying to get one, and no, I wouldn't pay that much for a console with so few good games out anyway. If I were going to buy it, I'd wait about a year for the price to go down and the library to grow to an impressive selection (as the DC has).


Want to know the reasons I don't much care about the PS2?


- Not enough games available that interest me. (the MAIN reason)


- Too expensive right now.


- Bonus features not compelling (DVD player, PSX "enhanced" compatabilty).




[This message has been edited by Kurgan (edited November 30, 2000).]

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Guest Dave Maul

Couldn't have said it better myself, Kurgan. The fact of the matter is, for me, the only PS2-exclusive game I'm remotely interested it is Starfighter. I just don't have £350 to spend on that one game. And there are going to be good titles for it lster on, but by that time the hardware would have been overtaken by something new.




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Hey, Simpson, I know a quite a few more persons who would want to do that. Or at least I would do it to a PSX for that whole "hey, let's destroy the Saturn in a dirty way!" thing. But let's forget about the past. Let's laugh at those movies (no offence PS2 owners, if it was a DC, i would have laughed as well.)




I am your father.

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Guest DarthGohan1016

All right, I'll admit, the PS2 was over hyped, and it's not the greatest console to ever be or to come, but it's gonna get better, Star fighter and MGS2 should keep me busy until they come up with some better games

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Guest Darth_Simpson

Nah, MGS2 isn't out for another 6 months at least. Long wait, but such is the gaming industry!


And now there is time for peace! Although I can't help but laugh at that crushing.... wink.gif

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Guest skarulez

hey what is the dreamcasts next good game??????? come on Episode I: StarFighter is going to be killer and the ps2 is only going get better besides the dreamcasts frist games were creap you guys just can't stand that the dreamcast is not all that in fact the dreamcast is Dying the USA and europe are the ONLY places the dreamcast has caught on and what makes your little white boxs so great!!!! your controlers are gay

there is no dreamcastPS2 war the ps2 war

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Guest Darth_Simpson

Actually, I could respond and crush your idiotic arugments, but I won't, as I promised otherwise...but you got me very close there!

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The next good game, DAYTONA USA, and for the fans: Sonic Collection, A double sided GD-Rom crammed full of classic Sonic games.

And there's also Shenmue chapter 2 on the way. So there are still some games to look out for, and there's also Fighting Vipers 2 that's finally getting a conversion. and there's ...




I am your father.


[This message has been edited by Pedro The Hutt (edited December 04, 2000).]

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Guest DarthGohan1016

Hi Skarulez, perhaps you did'nt read the rest of the posts, but we've all agreed to quit dumping on each others systems, ALL of us, so if you'd kindly, not pick on the Dreamcast, thanks

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Guest Dave Maul

No. I saw a mock case in the US and it only listed one player. Although, now it has been delayed again, they may consider it.


Simpson, if you want a really great-looking starfighter game for the DC, get Starlancer. You can play online, and it's much more realistic than Starfighter. The explosions look more like the ones seen in the movies.




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