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Metroid Movie?

Lynk Former

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Originally posted by Talon Karade

I have played as Samus Aran in Metroid Prime and as a character in Super Smash Bro's Melee - her attacks in the latter game are quite awsome


Except Lynk can totally blow Samus away in SSBM cause all of his attacks are also defensive moves against Samus :p

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Originally posted by Lynk Former

Except Lynk can totally blow Samus away in SSBM cause all of his attacks are also defensive moves against Samus :p

That is not always the case coz one quick blast from the missle launcher (B + Left/Right) will soon send Link flying away. Then use the grapling hook (Z) and throw Link far away............

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Originally posted by Talon Karade

That is not always the case coz one quick blast from the missle launcher (B + Left/Right) will soon send Link flying away. Then use the grapling hook (Z) and throw Link far away............


lol that is so easy to counter, firstly for the missile, use Links boomerang, second with the grapling beam use dodge cause Samus as a delay like Link does when they use their graple/hookshot :p I already know how to counter EVERY one of Samus's moves cause my best friend uses her :p

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Lynk Former, I still say that you would probably have meet your match if you came up against me and I played as Samus! My best friend played as Link all time (now he plays as Roy coz I kept beating him!). Anyway, the match would probably end in a draw........

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:D My best friend plays as Samus all the time, my other friend plays as Marth all the time. I play as Link all the time. Yet I still beat the snot out of Samus and Marth. Even a one on one with Marth (i used to lose against him but I've learnt to use Link effectively against Marth) XP
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Originally posted by Talon Karade

Although I respect you in this forum (due to the large amount of posts), you shouldnt get so over-confident! You would loose against me.... !


Firstly, post counts mean jack all

Secondly, I don't win all the time, just the majority

Thirdly, now I think you're getting over confident

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