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Skin pack


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I'm doing a skin pack to collect all the MP skins/models I like. I extracted the stuff I needed from PK3s into a temp directory, then I repacked the stuff into a new PK3.


The result is: I see the bots I included in my pack and can use it but I cant see them in the player list, so I can't select my model/skin to use it myself. Why? What file is needed to show a model/skin in the player selection list? I checked many times and it seem I included all files from the original PK3s...

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default_icon.jpg is present for all the charachters, I can't understand. I re-packed many times to be sure the pk3 wasn't corrupted but no luck. Any other idea? I'd like also to "take away" some charachters from the list, like the ugnaught (horrile)...

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I took:


- Count Dooku;

- Darth Sidious from the Emperor pack;

- ep1_obi from Episode 1 Obi-Wan pack;

- anakin from Episode 1 Obi-Wan pack (same model but different skin);

- Qui-Gon Jinn.


I modified some .skin files for anakin and made a different models\players\ directory for the model and his textures. I also modified all the .jkb and .bot files.


I checked many times other packs and couldn't see any difference. Plus bots work great but I can't understand why the new charachters don't show in the player skin list.


I know for sure every charachter need:

- a model

- almost 1 skin (plus a blue and a red one if you want CTF support)

- textures files written in the .skin file

- a sound.cfg for sounds

- a .jkb file for bot force settings and so on

- a .bot file to declare a bot name and associate its model, saber and .jkb file


Did I miss something?

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