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Wouldn't this be funny?

Guest Garindan

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Guest DarthGohan1016

:p Bleh! *thwaps ya all*....


might be funny to the PS2 haters...


yeah, well I guess Obi Wan for PS2 will just have to tide me over if Starfighter jumps consoles, which I doubt it will, or they would'nt be putting so much time into it...


hey you know whats funny? the PS2 stole a ripe game from the PC! Now that's funny!!! Ha ha ha ha :p

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Guest Dave Maul

Even though it's not official, you have to laugh. A console, which will become obsolete before you open it, is more powerful than a PC. Although I still think OB1 is coming to Xbox, and maybe PS2 as well. But Xbox is a sure thing.


Starfighter? Pah! Starlancer'll keep me busy until Xbox is released with some killer space combat games!




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Sheesh, why is that if anybody cracks a joke or says anything remotely negative about the PS2, they are assumed to be "PS2 Haters"?


Can a person think for themselves and point out what they see as flaws in a techie product? Can a person make light of all the hype surrounding everything a big company like Sony does?


C'mon, it's not like we're all a bunch of zealots who consider this a black and white issue where we take sides and fight like cats and dogs about it.. Right? RIGHT??!


(*waits for confirming response, getting more and more nervous as none appears*)


[This message has been edited by Kurgan (edited January 25, 2001).]

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Guest Darth_Simpson

yeah, well I guess Obi Wan for PS2 will just have to tide me over if Starfighter jumps consoles, which I doubt it will, or they would'nt be putting so much time into it...


Wadda ya think they put into Obi-Wan for PC? :p And I'm pretty sure Obi-Wan is going to be crap now...no matter what platform.



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Guest Saesee Tom

Here's some 'good' comedy for ya: Wouldn't it be funny if Super-Bombad Racing was cancelled for Dreamcast? OH! WAIT! It is!


DarthGohan1016: I know a great place for you to talk about the PS2... follow me to my forum:





[This message has been edited by Saesee Tom (edited January 22, 2001).]

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Dave's right, we need all the gamers we can find on these forums, I allways get the feeling that these forums are only visited by about 30 people. Sure the counter says over 2000 members, but most of them register because they are stuck in a game and need help, we give advice, and they disappear again without even saying thank you!




I am your father.

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Guest Darth_Simpson

Tom, that wasn't neccesary! Don't make me start with the PS2 bashing again...


The forums seem to be awfully dead these days. I remember when I posted at the JPB forum, an answer would pop up after 2 min. Those were the days... ;)

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Guest Saesee Tom

I don't get it, this is just like America during the racist years. You all bash StarFighter because it's on PS2, and you make cheap laughs about it by wanting it to be cancelled.


I have my own little cheap laugh, and everyone frowns at me, even the moderators (During the attacks of the Klu-Klux-Klan, even some of the US police would join in)


'That wasn't very nice, Tom'

'Piss of and doe, Tom.'


Thanks, appreciate it. I thought ages ago we were going to forcet about the console wars.

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Guest Dave Maul

Jeez, now you've gone and done it...bringing in racial issues to support you and your PS2. Be more original Tom.


And I told you to "Piss off and die".




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Again, why can't a person criticize or make light of the PS2 or Sony without being called a "PS2 hater" or "PS2 basher"?


If you want to drag politics into this, it's like a wise man once said recently that I was fortunate enough to hear speak. He asked why was it whenever somebody criticized the policies of the state of Israel, they were attacked?


Why when a Jew says they disagree with what Israel is doing, they are said to be betraying their commmunity and "not really Jewish" and when a non-Jew criticizes or disagrees with what Israel is doing, they are labelled "anti-Semitic"?


I feel a person can disagree or even make fun of something and not necessarily be a hate-monger. Loyalty to a piece of gaming hardware shouldn't be a religion. Perhaps jokes about certain subjects might offend some people or be considered insensitive, but you can't simply stifle all debate by claiming somebody is just some "basher" thereby dismissing any relevant aspects of their opinion.


If a person wants to outright insult the PS2 and make fun of Sony, I say let them. If they even want to buy a broken PS2 and run it over with their truck.. let them!


To the people who enjoy the PS2 and all it stands for: are these folks going to make your enjoyment of your games any less by what they post here? Does their opinion really matter that much to your life? ; )


[/end rant]



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Guest Darth_Simpson

I can't say I really bashed the PS2 any place in this topic, and I really haven't for a while either. After I converted Dave, I almost stopped. wink.gif


There are instances where I feel compelled to defend my DC though.


Oh, and Dave and Tom, maybe you two should stop fighting over this. You are fighting over two entertainment machines...

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Guest Dave Maul

The PS2 is an ENTERTAINMENT machine? Coulda fooled me...


The only person to make sense in this topic is Kurgan. Obviously.




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