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How can I make Kyle pull out the Security Key??


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I'm in Kejim Base and have already gone passed the liquid room. I have already killed all the forces in the area and now I'm at the point where I need to use a Security Key to open a door. I already have the Security Key in my possession; however I don't know how to get Kyle to pull it out and open the door. I have tried selecting the Security key and then pressing and holding USE but it does not work. Any ideas on what keys I have to press to get Kyle to use the Security Key and open the door? HELP!!!

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go to the switch and hit the use button. if it says u need a key, you currently do not have the right one. if you do have the right one, the door will open, you don't have to select the right one. tip: YOU CAN AND WILL HAVE MORE THAN ONE KEY AT A TIME. search all the officers you meet for keys, and see if there is anywhere else you can go to find more officers.

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