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FFAmod explication


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First that mod isnt realy FFA friendly its more DUEL option who NO mod for now have...


You can found that Awesome mod at http://members.rogers.com/lee.oattes/ffamod-1.1-beta.zip


Also the name of FFAmod going to change for a better one as soon we found a great name you can also give us some idea its will be appreciated.


What that mod can do ?


read this ...






Title : FFAMod 1.1 BETA

Author : Lee Oattes

E-Mail : oattes@not4hire.net

Website :


File Name : ffamod-1.1BETA.zip

File Size : 2MB

Date Released : Jan-24-2003


Description : Free For All Mod


Comments : source code is available









To use the mod, copy the ffamod directory into your GameData directory. Connect to a server running ffamod! (There will be at least one, namely aod.not4hire.net).


If you don't already have the JediMod hilts in your GameData/base directory, you can find it on many public servers. Look for re_JediMod_hiltpack.pk3. Install it in your base directtory to have many hilt models available. Of course, the server must also have it installed for them to be accessible when playing.





So what the heck is FFAmod anyway? Well the short story is that it is mod based on Jedimod that has many of the same additional features that JediPlus has too. However, this mod is focused on the dueling experience in the Free For All game format.


There are two major modes for Duels. The first mode is an unorganized mode in an FFA type game. Folks just hang out and duel as they wish. The second mode is the organized tournament mode where duellers battle each other sequentially.


The unorganised mode has the feature that you can select your opponents as you wish and when you wish. You do not have to wait for the completion of a current duel to start another duel. You can also watch other folks duel without the need to "spectate". A large disadvantage of this mode has been that you could not have more than a saber duel -- no throwing and no force powers. FFA-Duel mod solves this problem by allowing the combatants (rather than the server admin) to decide what type of duel they wish to have. FFA-Duel mod now enhances this with full interference free duel support. You can now experience your duels as if you and your opponent were alone on the current map.


The organised mode has the feature that it provides a tournament environment where everyone has to duel and the best dueller plays the most. A large disadvantage of this mode is that duellers have to wait for their turn in the sequence. Although not implemented yet, FFA-Duel mod will solve this problem by using the same non-interference code as developed for the unorganized duelling mode to support multiple simultaneous and sequenced duels. The next release of FFA-Duel mod will have the new Tournament logic.



If you would like to suggest a feature or better yet, to feed me some code that implements your idea, feel free to contact me!






New in version 1.1:


- admin system for managing unruly players: console commands and equivalent "guns" available.

- new core and blade options for fancy colours including black.

- much cleanup and improvement of the UI

- two levels of fuel consumption rate for the jetpack

- duel stats are provided as messages

- additional force mastery rank for more force points

- full interference free dueling: you can't see, hear or interact with other players while dueling.

- see full documentation package or CHANGES.txt file for more details.


From version 1.0x:


- new roll animations._

- new saber sounds.

- grapple code has been changed to not overload +use key. Also, using the grapple will holster your saber (by default).

- jetpack has been added. The jetpack uses shield energy as fuel (by default). Use of the jetpack will holster your saber (by default).

- access to bindings for grapple, jetpack and saber control have been added to the user interface

- private duels have been enhanced to support three types of duel: standard, standard with throw allowed, and full force duels that include kick damage and all force powers.

- at the beginning of a duel, full health is restored, shields are set to full power and force mana is topped up to the maximum. Sabers will not auto-ignite at the start of the duel to allow you to make the appropriate flourish ;-).

- message of the day capability. The message is shown to players when they first join a game and after a new map is started. The duration of this message can be set -- default is 10 sec.

- voting can be restricted (the default) to allow only map changes and to kick players who are mis-behaving.

the range at which a duel is severed because players are too far apart can be changed

- the selection of bots that can be added to the game can be restricted to the standard game characters (this is the default)

- serial rotation through the taunts rather than random selection.

- support for independent core and glow saber colours. This also includes some new shaders for the saber trails to produce two trails, one for the core and one for the glow.

- one-click kicking

- adjusted height of yellow, orange and purple jump attacks to position the attack more appropriately based on target height.

- free for all maps won't end if a duel is in progress

- default settings support balanced play between all saber styles.


FFAmod has many of the key features of Jedimod. These include:


- dual and dual bladed sabers.

- enhanced colour control over sabers

- access to additional stances and special attacks

- kick in the air and flip off walls

- make choices about nerfing lunge and back attacks (1.03 vs 1.04)

- emotes and support for multiple taunts

- saber throw blocking/knockdown

- grappling hook


Full Documentation:



The docs are ffamod-doc/index.htm. This contains complete user and admin documentation. The documentation for coders is a work in progress and substantially incomplete at this time.





Many ideas, bug reports and lots of help testing were provided by my co-clan members and other from the JK2 community. Thanks all!


A special thanks to Daelina, Inskipp and Yvonne, and Marker!





This mod has drawn on the work of a number of other people. In this section, explicit credit is give to the authors of the following works:




The starting base code is taken from JediMod v1.2 source release -- credits to Dest (dest123@hotmail.com) and Tchouky.




Jetpack code is based on the code from The Eternal (the_eternal@wanadoo.nl) & RenegadeOfPhunk(renegadeofphunk@3dactionplanet.com)


Cool Saber Sounds


With the exception of the "saber hit" sounds, the saber sounds in this mod are based on the "Cool Saber Sounds Version 2" by Young Obi-Wan (tiedott@hotmail.com).


Saberist Mod


The sideways and backwards roll animations in this mod were found by experimenting with the saberist mod by DoF_BlackWolf (bw3rdln@hotmal.com) & DoF_Kelemvor (Kelemvor420@hotmail.com). They are stock animations for the base game, but the mod helped me find them ;-).




Although no part of this mod is based on Jediplus code, I must give credit to BOFH (dysfunction@nyc.rr.com) for assembling the JediPlus mod. I have played it extensively and several of it's features are important enough to have re-created as part of this mod.

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Lee Oattes, FFAMod/Multi-Duel Mod Coder



If you have the time, I need some help beating up the 1.1 version of ffamod

(soon to have a new name, I think). I have it up and running on my server

(jk2.not4hire.net). You can download from



I really want to test out the new non-interference code. It should be

*total* -- no sound, no interaction, no visual indications, etc. of *any*

other players while in a duel. To stress test this, every other map in the

server rotation is a duel map!


any bugs, let me know!

There is no multi-duel implemented yet, again, the only thing done is while in a duel you & your opponent should appear to be by yourselves while you play. You should hear no others sounds, nor see any other players while you play.
Originally posted by ryudom

sounds interesting heh... so looking for names?








heh i'll think up some more soon

Keep in mind the FFA & Duel mods are not the same. There is a duel mode & there is an FFA mode, it' just that both are enhaced with the mod (with the finished mod anyway). I was thinking cool mod, but that just sounds too much like Cool Mods (my MoHAA mod project) & I didn't think it was apropriate.
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Originally posted by Marker0077

What are you on about now?


I am thinking the same thing right about now, well I bet he is just jealous because he cannot make any mods himself.


BloodRayne this sounds like a good mod, I would use it but my Jedi Outcast is playing up at the moment for some reason. :(

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LMAO. Flanders should be banned for all the crap he slings on here. Every thread he posts in he flames, then when it gets tossed back at him he reports that person. It's pathetic and if you're going to be an agressive banning admin, be an unbiased one and hand them out equally. Otherwise you're just a lame individual flexing his virtual internet muscles and I equate you on the same level as Flanders. Quite Pathetic.

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Originally posted by FallenNeverDies

LMAO. Flanders should be banned for all the crap he slings on here. Every thread he posts in he flames, then when it gets tossed back at him he reports that person. It's pathetic and if you're going to be an agressive banning admin, be an unbiased one and hand them out equally. Otherwise you're just a lame individual flexing his virtual internet muscles and I equate you on the same level as Flanders. Quite Pathetic.



yes, way to go asshole, rejoin after a temp ban. make ALLLLLLL 'admins' think you are a GODDDDDD.....


you earned a permaban, and if you come back AGAIN... you wont like it...

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Originally posted by Flanders

I am thinking the same thing right about now, well I bet he is just jealous because he cannot make any mods himself.

Actually some of the mods being released in Duelers I did make, just small mods, not like I coded anything, I did however come up with a bunch of ideas for the duelers mod (o ya, the new force rank in Jediplus was originally my idea & spectrum coded it), I am also doing the help manual & installer for the mod, so it' not like I'm just some wanker trying to get credit when I didn't even do anything.


Anyways, jealous? Ya I guess I'm envious of coders, I wish I knew how to do it, so what? Is there really anyone out there who doesn't want to know how to code? I guess I'm missing the point with the statement.


Actually it's a good thing I don't know, the current coder has 20 yrs experience & even if I did know how to code, I couldn't top that experience, so this gives me more free time to continue Cool Mods for MoHAA, doing other things with Duelers, & actually getting to play.


Spy: Why not just remove the flame posts? I don't condoln Flanders or Fallens actions, but still, if you remove the post perhaps others will think twice before they leave a flame post. It's like, what's the point of posting the thing if it's going to be removed.

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Having 20 years of experience doesn't mean much. You just have to have the C basics down and know the current engine you're working with. HAVING 20 years of experience is good but it doesn't mean you're any better than a guy with 3 years of experience. It's like english, if you got it down, you got it down. :)

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Originally posted by Marker0077

It's not BloodRaynes mod, it's Lee Oattes mod. BloodRayne is an idealist in the mod & the mod does have allot of good ideas in it. It's worth everyones time to checkout.


Ah thanks for telling me, it seems I don't really look at the details! :)


Well let me change my other post to say "Hope the FFAmod goes well Lee!" :D

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Originally posted by Marker0077


Spy: Why not just remove the flame posts? I don't condoln Flanders or Fallens actions, but still, if you remove the post perhaps others will think twice before they leave a flame post. It's like, what's the point of posting the thing if it's going to be removed.


its very simple.


if a flame is left, people will know that someone got burned for it, and that flaming has repercutions(sp?).


if I were to remove a flame, and took no action, it comes back. i've tried both ways, beleive me;)


needless to say, we dont want to censor people, but to simply follow the rules.


I was content to leave a 48hr ban, but he broke the user agreement we all signed when we joined, which does NOT allow ban evation...


you see what i'm saying here?

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