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door help needed


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i'm working on a single player map...

its not a real big deal, really. All I need to do is make the doors alot slower than the in-game doors and it'll work out fine.... a 7 second delay along with a slow moving door will solve my problem....most players won't want to stand in a doorway for seven seconds anyhow, so i figure i'll be fine going this way.

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I made my door to open by a trigger_multiple and both the door and trigger has the same wait value. When I'm standing in the trigger, the doors never close.


Maybe you can put a thin trigger where the door is so the player can't go inside the trigger when the door is closed. BUT! Like this, the trigger will trigger the door when you stand in its way and it might start to close. I'm not sure. If it does you still can use a target_delay between the trigger and the door with the same delay value as the door and trigger has for wait.

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