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who is Boba Fett and what is a tie defender?

Guest dr_death

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Guest dr_death

who are they, i know they are in the senario editor!!!

i think boba fett is the bounty hunter and if he is it would be so cool!!!

is this him?:fett:

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Guest dr_death

wow this is great, as far as i know you will be able to have the emperor, darth vadar, darth maul and boba fetta on the same side!!!

i am going to have boba fetta as the emperors body guard and have darth vader as a master to darth maul!

and on the good side i will have luke skywalker, quigon,obi-wan and han solo, what a fight that would be


I want to make a jedi council!!!!

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Guest Hannibal
Originally posted by dr_death

who are they, i know they are in the senario editor!!!

i think boba fett is the bounty hunter and if he is it would be so cool!!!

is this him?:fett:


You're joking right?


almost passes out


Have you seen the Star Wars Movies? Wow. Never met someone who didn't know who Boba Fett was. I know people who don't like Star Wars but like Boba Fett. Weird.

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Guest Darth_Venage

ok, please don't take offense at this, but do you know what a tie fighter looks like?(just asking yoiu didnt know what Boba Fett loked like) If you know what a tie interceptor looks like, imagine it with 3 wing thingies instead of two. Change your avator, and you should see a tie defender as an option. to change your avator, go to User CP at the top of the screen when you are logged in

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Boba Fett was a Bounty Hunter until Han hit his Jet Pack with a Staff. Hired by Darth Vader to capture the Millenium Falcon, he rode a fighter designated the Slave 1. The Tie Defender is another prototype the Empire started to create if you played Rebel Alliance. 3 wings and 4 Laser cannons also 2 Ion cannons with 3 Ion engines. Fast but light, the Defender is mainly used for light escort strikes and platform defence.

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TIE Defender

an advanced form of TIE Fighters which employed shields. This 10-meter starfighter took the stability and agility of the TIE Interceptor's bent-wing design and added a third bent-wing to it. Not much is known about the TIE/D, as it was never fully accepted in battle and never mass-produced, but it was thought to have had a maximum speed of 155 MGLT, with 4 laser cannons, 2 ion cannons, 2 warhead launchers, 200 SBD shields, and a 20 RU hull. The fighter was propelled by the newer P-sz9.7 twin ion engines from Sienar Fleet Systems, and was equipped with Novaldex shield generators. The TIE Defender was used to defeat Admiral Zaarin, although the missions were so secret that very few Imperial officials were unaware of its role. The TIE Defender was produced at a cost of over 300,000 credits per fighter - about five times the cost of a TIE/ln. This, plus the political upheaval created by the Battle of Endor and the fact that it had an aft blindspot created by the wing placement, led to the demise of the TIE Defender as a widely-accepted starfighter

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Boba Fett was a Bounty Hunter until Han hit his Jet Pack with a Staff. Hired by Darth Vader to capture the Millenium Falcon, he rode a fighter designated the Slave 1.


Correction edward, BOba Fett IS a bounty hunter. he escaped the Sarlaac and was nursed back to health by Dengar, a bounty hunter himself. Fett used a new ship he called Slave II, since Slave I was impounded by Rebels over tatooine. Unfortunatley, Fett crashed Slave II into Byss' planetary shields, but he has since then gotten back Slave I.

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Guest Admiral Odin
Originally posted by dr_death

wow this is great, as far as i know you will be able to have the emperor, darth vadar, darth maul and boba fetta on the same side!!!

i am going to have boba fetta as the emperors body guard and have darth vader as a master to darth maul!

and on the good side i will have luke skywalker, quigon,obi-wan and han solo, what a fight that would be


I want to make a jedi council!!!!


YOu will have many others. Like Yoda, Mara Jade, ect. Also you can mix them. Have the Emp Luk and Quigon. OR Maul Yoda and Fett.

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Guest Admiral viper
, since Slave I was impounded by Rebels over tatooine. Unfortunatley, Fett crashed Slave II into Byss' planetary shields, but he has since then gotten back Slave I.


correction, he has 6 ships in all

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Originally posted by General Nilaar

Where did you get all the background info on the Tie Defender? Is there a book of ships background's out there somewhere? I'd love to see the background for some of the others....


:D I get the most exact SW info from the SW Encyclopedia. The best place to find great SW info.:D

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Originally posted by Admiral viper


correction, he has 6 ships in all


Slave IV

Boba Fett owned this starship some fifteen years after the Battle of Endor. He used it to track down Kardue'sai'Malloc on Peppel, and return the Devaronian to Devaron for judgement. He also used the ship to track down Bornan Thul, in response to a bounty placed on the shipping magnate by Nolaa Tarkona.


Slave II

Boba Fett's backup ship, this modified MandalMotors Pursuer patrol vehicle was weaker than Slave I, but it served its purpose well after the Alliance confiscated Fett's primary ship. However, what it lacked in punch it made up for in speed and maneuverability. The original engines had been replaced with twin Mil-StarIV engines mated with three x41 maneuvering thrusters mounted in the port-side strut. It had a forward-firing ion and twin blaser cannons, as well as a rear-firing proton torpedo launcher. Slave II also had enhanced sensors, but lacked Slave I's stealth capabilities. Slave II was severely damaged over Byss when Boba Fett tried to pursue Han Solo and Salla Zend near the planet. Solo took the Millennium Falcon into a dive toward the planet's surface just as the planet's shield generators kicked on. Slave II hit the shields and glanced off them, ripping off the portside stabilizer and causing massive system damage. Luckily for Fett, the ship's shield generators were at full-power. Fett drydocked Slave II after this incident, returning to the use of Slave I.


Slave I

Boba Fett's personal ship, Slave I is a highly-modified Kuat Drive Yards Firespray-31 cargo ship. Unique in its design, very little of the original Firespray-31 that forms Slave I remains, as Boba Fett made changes to support his lifestyle as bounty hunter. Many of the modifications, performed at Kuat Drive Yards, were designed and supervised by Kuat of Kuat himself. This was partly because of Kuat's innate technical skill, but also so that the leader of KDY could keep an eye on what went into the ship's new form. Slave-1's outer hull was reinforced with plating and ray shielding, to compensate for reduced particle shielding. The hull is formed from a magnetically-polarized metal, making it the perfect electromagnetic receptor. This allows the ship to collect magnetic energies from the surrouding space - including the signals and pulses of pursuing ships - and reflect them as so much static. This jams the pursuer's sensors, making Slave I nearly invisible. Boba Fett has also dampened the ship's particle vapor trail to further eliminate proof of its passage. The ship appears to bear only a pair of twin-mounted blaster cannons on the tip of the command/cargo section, although rumors abound about hidden ion cannons, concussion missile launchers, and a powerful tractor beam. The ship's engines have been modified for speed. The Kuat Systems Engineering F-31 sublight engines provide an intense burst of power when first activated. This reduces maneuverability but increases the likelihood of Fett's capturing his quarry before it can escape. These are paried with four KSE X-F-16 power generators to provide that burst of speed. The ship's hyperdrive has also been updated, allowing for quick jumps to outrace a victim to their destination. The ship's interior has never been seen, but it is rumored to have a large enough hold to contain a force cage. Various hull reinforcements are also rumored to be present, to keep the cage from being jostled by larger races. There isn't a great deal of cargo space, for much of it has been given over to housing the ship's engines and power generators. Always one to plan for contingencies, Fett also had several duplicates of Slave I created for his use. These dummy ships looked and acted like the real thing, but were mere shells. Boba Fett used Slave I to track Han Solo to Bespin. From there, Fett took Solo's frozen body to Tatooine for delivery to Jabba The Hutt. Following his emergence from the Sarlacc, Boba Fett took his ship to Nar Shaddaa for repairs, but it was disabled at Nar Shaddaa during Palpatine's first resurrection. It sat at the spaceport receiving more repairs until Han Solo and Princess Leia returned to Nar Shaddaa searching for Vima-Da-Boda. Boba Fett was able to reactivate Slave-1 and its new Incom shields, only to receive a good deal of damage to one of its wings in a collision with the Millennium Falcon.

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