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Asking For Directions... Sortof...


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Hey, I'm like... COMPLETLY brand new to level editing and such. I'm not looking to make the next Star Wars Saga, or even anything somebody else hasta see. I'm actually trying to make a training ground for me to practice my saber skills offline. I want to make a level, sortof like The Pit level, but of my own design, using my own textures and shaping it how I want, things of that sort. And I want it so that I can spawn multiple types of enemies at will. Either by pressing a switch (I doubt there is a way to do that... But still...) Or by walking into a certain room, or standing in a certain spot... Storm Troopers, Reborns, Dessanns, Officers... Those sorts of NPCs. And so that I can spawn them Multiple Times, or Multiple OF said Enemy. Anywho... Could anybody point me to a tutorial, or a FAQ, or an article that can get me started on the basics... And if possible point out anything thats impossible that I'm looking to do. (Namely the Switch=Spawn Enemy idea and those sorts of things) Thanks a Buncha Cruncha!

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I know you can spawn NPCs by binding Spawn NPC to a key, but I want it to just happen. I got the inspiration from a level I played called the Ladder where you fight 54 reborn. Nice, but I'll bet it would be ebtter if it was specifically tailored to me... So I figured why not make one! :)

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BTW, there are some more great ladder maps out there. Ladder 2 by the top man Darkblade, and two great ladder maps by Darth Arth. You know where to get them, do you already have them, or shall I give ya some links :)?


The button thing is interesting, I know for sure you can have a button that triggers enemies, you'd just link the button to enemies. I'm not so sure about doing it multiple times tho. It's easy to set it up so that when you kill one enemy another one (of any type) respawns. You can also trigger NPCs for whenever you walk somewhere.

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Oh definatly! Link me! I'd love to play other maps like that! And about the spawning enemies by pressing switch, could you use the Elevator switch? Since its a button you can press multiple times? What would be nifty is creating a button that I could use Force Push to activate.


::the Jedi stands in an arena, he draws his lightsaber, lifts his hand and wills the button to be pressed. From high in the rafters a Reborn Jedi drops down. They glare momentarily... And then chaos insues.::


Either way. The thing about having an enemy appear just by walking to a certain area is enough.

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:deathstar Ladder 2 - Assualt on Cloud City (By Mauri "Darkblade" Majanoja - the man :))



:deathstar Ladder - The XMAS Story (By Darth Arth)



:deathstar Ladder - The challenge in Jedi Valley (By Darth Arth)



You can just make a button and make it pressable multiple times, possibly with a delay built in (you dont want an NPC to spawn exactly where another is - bad idea), if you have a delay they should have moved before you press it again. Take a look at those excellent tutorials and learn about buttons, triggers and the like and you should be able to do it!

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Kool! I actually found The XMas Ladder last night. It was alright. but thats one of the reasons I wanted to make my own. I just want to make a map that is designed SOLELY for Saber training. All forms, fighting against mass amounts of Storm troopers, fighting Reborns, mastering my wall kicks, lunges, what stance to use when. Learning the in's and outs of it all... I've been trying to figure out... When I play on the Ladder Maps, fighting Reborn I can do a Moonsault type jump. A moonsault being where I'm running at an enemy with my Saber drawn, I do a vertical flip (NOT a somersault) slash while upside down and spin, and land behind my opponent facing him. Now... is this a mod built into Map, or can I only do it in Multiplayer or what? Cuz I can't seem to do it in Single Player...

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