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NPC Spawning


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Is there anyway to spawn new npcs in ravens sp levels? because i want have the new npcs i created (ki adi mundi, mace windu, kit fisto, yarael poof, yoda) to fight along side me and the normal jedi in the yavin courtyard level. i have behav ed if thts needed. Thanx for any help in advance.

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Thanks for the help, but obviously i explained it wrong, i ment for thm to spawn in certain places in the level like the normal jedi have to spawn in yavin_courtyard. Without the player having to spawn thm from the console, for thm just to be there wen u start the level.

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Originally posted by Higginson

Thanks for the help, but obviously i explained it wrong, i ment for thm to spawn in certain places in the level like the normal jedi have to spawn in yavin_courtyard. Without the player having to spawn thm from the console, for thm just to be there wen u start the level.

You would need to add them to the SP map via scripting.


The only other option is to bind the npc spawn luke etcs to a key. Then you can spawn them a certain places.

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