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Clipping vs Texturing / Bot Routes (kinda long, sorry :)

Master Toke

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I never texture a brush on a side that won't be seen, but, sometimes I wonder if turning a single brush into 4 (or more) is worth the tiny amount of texture you aren't applying. Does the number of brushes have a big impact on your framerate if most of them are caulked? Is it sometimes better to apply texture to the side of a brush that won't be seen? An example of this is...


I had a really big wall I wanted to add light fixtures to. I clipped the wall (horizontally), turning into three brushes, the center brush being the narrow strip that I would attach the fixtures to. I made each fixture about 12 units wide by 4 high. I wondered if I should clip that middle wall brush in about 18 or so brushes just to prevent texturing behind the fixtures.

I hope that makes sense.



Also, on bot routes... Do you have to place a waypoint on top of items for the bot to get them? Suppose I have two waypoints that connect a hall. Off to the side of the hall is a weapon. Will the bot leave the path to get the weapon without a waypoint being there? (Or would I need to place a waypoint over the weapon?)

Also, when you add botroutes, do you keep the "visconnect" and distconnect" cvar's on or off? I usually keep them on but I'm discovering some very bizzare behavior with my bots. Sometimes they will sit in one spot, moving in place frantically. Maybe I have too many waypoints close together?

One last question on bot routes... if I want the bot to get on a func_plat, where would the waypoint go? I know I need to use the "f" flag (bot_wp_add f) but would you place it on the plat or underneath it. If you place it on top does the elevation matter? (Meaning, I get on the plat and add the waypoint, but the plat has started moving when the waypoint is added, resulting in a waypoint that is slightly elevated).


Sorry this is so lengthy. Hopefully it's clear.

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I don't know about the clipping and caulking...personally, I wouldn't bother to caulk behind all those little light fixtures. I haven't ever had significant FPS issues that can't be explained by something other than not caulking unseen surfaces.


Bot routes, though...


First, no, you don't beed to put waypoints on top of every item, as long as there's a WP close enough, the bot can take a few exra steps without the mapper having to hold its hand. When you want a bot to get onto an elevator, you should put the bot_wp_addflagged f at the spot where the bot gets on the elevator...in other words, on top of the elevator when the elevator is in the rest position (with one WP at the bottom and one at the top).

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Thanks, Wedge! I suppose I could "/noclip" just before I step on the plat to keep it from lifting when I go to place the WP.

Or, I could add two static brushes representing the top and bottom posistions of the plat and create my bot route based on that.


Anyway, thanks again!

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