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I was wondering, does anyone ever do just one room of their map and then save it as a .map, then later, when all the rooms are done, import the other rooms as prefabs then connect them all?


I was wondering if anyone did that or not, just kinda came to my mind...





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I can say, sometimes. Not a room but a smaller part which I can build separately. The compiling is much faster also if I don't have to compile always the whole map.


Room by room is not good in every case. Seeing the others can help to build the actual one. Plus you can see how the whole thing is going.


For example I'm building a city now. It has a little spaceport. I build the spaceport separately, because I don't need to see the city's other parts to it. And think of the compile time... A city has big open areas. The lighting can be very long. When I will finish it I'll connect it to the city as well.

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I only do stuff like when it comes to messing about with terrain. I loaded a terrain in my map that was generated INSIDE my level, and, turned my entire 3k brush map into a terrain entity.... lol


Other than that, I normally bild everything in one map... but I can see the advantages of it.... maybe area by area.....

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Yeh, as Lassev says you can use regions to avoid long compiles and just compile one area at a time. Before I knew this I made the areas for cutscenes in Prison_Escape seperately from the rest of the map then fitted them in later because I knew hardly anything about cutscenes and had to re-compile near endlessly to get them working right!

It is an interesting, modular approach you could take by doing that, but it would surely be a lot more work than just putting them in in the first place? I suppose if you knew the details you wanted but tnot the overal layout yet then you could build the rooms first, connect them later.

As far as I'm concerned, any different and innovative method of mapping should be given consideration, although using a surealistic approach to my last map cost me dear! Floating clocks indeed....

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I'm on a 1ghz Athlon w/ 256mb RAM and a GeForce 3 ti 200, I seemed to get a little slowdown at times with work on Mos Entha, but a texture flush/reload usually fixed it.


Thanks for replies



BTW, how do you compile regions? and you have to put walls around the region right? otherwise it would be a HOM correct?

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You gotta select the parts of the map you want in the region, then go to one of the sections on the toolbar and set as region (sorry I can't be more specific...no radiant on this PC :) . You will need some kind of hollowed brush around the region or you'll probabaly get a leak, unless the region was self-enclosed before (which I guess is unlikely).

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radiant used to have a region selection feature... Aka you could just select ad edit/compile peices of your map... I've only used this like once or tiwce but, you might want to see if you can still region off parts of your map... This would at least keep you from having to work with multiple files.../shrug

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You can also use the XY setting with regions, at least if you are making quite a separate area. And it seems to me, indeed as Kengo said, that you might need to shut with an additional brush some passageway, should you have one. Also be careful with func entities, because you won't want to have them on the borders, outside the worldspawn restricted areas (leaks).

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