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Nar Shadda hideout


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Walkthrough for Level 9 (ns_hideout)


Force Powers Gained - Force Jump Rank 2




Investigating the 1st Dumpster


As soon as the level starts, look up to your left and you'll see

three tubes on the wall. Jump up to these before the garbage hauler

moves any further. From these tubes it's a short jump up to the first

secret area, where there are regen units for ammo and shields. Hop down

from here, grabbing the health canister on the way. Continue making your

way down until you get to the area with the black droid standing in the

corner. Move past the droid and through the door, into the large garbage

processing room. Turn right and follow the wall of the room. Walk into

the first open door you come to (should be around the corner on the

right). Shoot the explodable crate to break a hole in the wall, exposing

a secret area with a couple greenheads, a health canister, and an ammo

regen unit. Now go back out into the big room, and continue along the

right wall. Go through the next door, and you'll see a large glass

panel, and some crates stacked up. Turn left and go to the edge of the

room. Use Force Pull to move the crate, then jump over it and crouch

through the passageway. Kill the greenhead on your left, then continue

right until you hit a large dumpster. This dumpster is hiding the way

to the next area of the level. Notice that you can use Force Push on it,

but there's something blocking it from the other side...another dumpster!

You'll have to go around and move the obstruction. Make a mental note of

this location, and then go back out to the main room.




Jumping Puzzles/The Second Dumpster


Examine each of the four huge garbage compactors. One of them

will have a chute on the side that is not blocked by a dumpster. Jump

up inside it, and you'll see a small door on the opposite side, inside

the machine. Wait for the crusher to raise up, then run across and

through the door. Turn to your right, pick up the battery and then

proceed through the next door. You will now be in a seemingly bottomless

room stacked with hundreds of crates. Time for a short jumping puzzle...

look over to the left and check out the other doorway on the ledge. this

is where you want to end up. Now, go to the end of your ledge, and drop

down to the box right below. Look to the left, and jump to the stack of

green/brown boxes. Turn, and jump on the stack of boxes with the white

cross. From here, you should be able to jump to the other white cross

boxes that are against the wall. Turn right, and jump down to the boxes

where the health canister is sitting. Now, look up between the two tall

stacks of boxes and you should be able to see the ledge where you need

to end up. Jump up in between the two tall stacks, then jump up three

more times and you should be right under the ledge. A box on the end

is blocking your way up...use Force Pull and it will fly off. Jump up

and proceed through the door. Walk around the corridor, up the ramp,

and out across the platform stretching over the box room. The doorway

on the other side leads to a downward ramp. At the bottom is a short

passageway with a dumpster along the left area. Force Pull it...you

have now made room to push that first dumpster.




Back through the Garbage Room


Go back to the bottomless box room, go across the walkway and

then just drop down to your left (this is where you came in). Make

your way back up through the garbage machine, and then find the room

with the big glass window again. Hop over the crate again, and crouch

to get back to the dumpster. You can now push it, and it will reveal

an opening on the right. Don't step on the conveyor belt, just move to

the left side of it. Walk forward until you can see a switch through

the window. Use Force Push, and it will open the door. Jump over, kill

the greenhead, and then go down the hallway. Walk all the way until

the next open area, where you'll find three holes in the floor above you,

with cowheads dropping grenades. Take them out and continue onward. In

the next hallway you'll pass by three greenheads shooting you from behind

security posts. It's pretty easy to snipe all three. Go up the ramp with

the cowhead at the top and head right. You'll pass by a small ledge

overlooking a room with boxes to your right, and a ramp the continues

upward in front of you. Don't drop down yet. Continue up the ramp a

few steps, and on the right wall will be a breakable grate. Shoot it and

climb straight to the bars at the end. Below will be a greenhead and an

explodable container that blows out a wall. Once you've done this, climb

out of the crawlspace and jump down into the room with the boxes. There

are a couple enemies here, and some goodies as well. Go through the door

and you'll see you're in the area where the first secret was, but to your

immediate left is the hole that the container just made. Continue

through the next door, and Kyle will remark that Reelo seems to have a

lot of firepower for just a bunch of garbage. You can either go down a

ramp to your left, or use your saber to open the locked door on the

right. The door just leads out to the big garbage room again, so take

the ramp.






Through the door will be two large cargo doors. The one on the

left opens, and you can go through, past the two blue holding cells, and

then watch a cutscene between Kyle and Lando Calrissian. He explains a

little more of the story, and asks for your help. Go back the way you

came, out the big door and up the ramp. Ignore the door with the saber

lock, and go through the right door to get back to the exploded wall you

came through. Take the door to your right back into the box room, hop

up and go up to the top of the ramp. The door there leads out to the

walkway above the big garbage room. Make your way through the enemies

to the windowed seurity station in the corner. A lift will take you

down, and then you can go inside and check out the "secuity eye". It

prompts you for a password, Kyle says the one that Lando told him, and

the door opens. Up the short stairs is a lift. Take it up to the next

area and continue through this new hallway. The end of it looks like a

dead end, but its actually another lift that takes you down to a set of

bars and a few enemies on the other side. Use your saber to get through

the bars, and kill the enemies. On the left will be a corridor with

moving ceiling turrets. At the end are a few guys blocking a red and

green switch. Use Force Push to hit it, but don't go through the door

yet. Go down the other leg of the corridor to kill the six greenheads,

and continue to the end of the passage to find an ammo regen unit. Now,

go back and find the door that you just opened. Through there is a room

with a health canister and a shield regen unit. Colect what you need

and then go through the next door.




Showdown with Buruk? Think Again


You'll see a cutscene of Kyle meeting Reelo Buruk.

Unfortunately you don't get to fight him yet. After the scene, five

turrets above you will activate, and six or seven enemies will come out

of a door to your right. Once you're done with them, greenheads will

run out of the doors in the front of the room. Kill them and go up the

ramp behind either door; they both lead to Reelo's office. There is a

button at his desk...use Force Push to open a secret area behind you.

Move forward and hit the red button on the console in front of the window.

You see a quick cutscene of Lando escaping, and the floor out in the main

room will open, exposing a lift. Go down the ramp and ride it down.

Take the door out of this room to meet up with Lando. Watch the cutscene,

then follow him out to the end of the level.




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