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Why Jedi's are going to be a uber guild only sport. Being Hardcore just isn't enough


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well the uber guild thing is gonna be solved real easy when the install the dark jedi bits...



reember what yoda says..



The dark side is not stronger quicker easy more seductive...


okay so if people take the easy route a guild emassing any kind of jedi will cause a disturbance in the force and the emporer in his wisdom will have them killed himself....as it is a threat to his own power.. end of worry



as for the perma death cool have to admit it does ad an edge to playing the jedi.

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I don't know if any of you bother to go to the Official SWG sight or not, but distinctly remember it saying in there that:


1.) There is NO limit to the number of Jedi at one time, only measures to make EXTREMELY difficult to do so. i.e. Joe Shmoe walks into Jedi Cantina, becomes Jedi, and BAMOLA!!! Sally Shmoe suddenly CAN'T become Jedi at all. This is not how it works. There is no limit, just as there is no limit to people born in the world, only population controls, such as illness, war, and death. So the Devs estimate that there will be FEW Jedi because of the population controls, but no actual Jedi population cap.


2.) There is a COMPLETELY RANDOM way to unlock the FS slot per account, so you can't just go out and sell the secret because it WILL NOT WORK for ANY other account but yours.


3.) It says that BH's will be on the Jedi tail every day... A Jedi can expect anywhere from 1-3 attacks per day. The UberGuild that houses the Jedi will then face off against Uber BH Guilds and they respawn, march back in, and even killing ANY Jedi from UberJediGuild ONCE they will be satisfied and count that as a success. They WILL attack Jedi over any other Guild Member,

believe me, that's the only smart thing to do in that situation, and WILL keep on coming. So the more Jedi an UberJediGuild houses, teh more BH's attacks, and not to mention the Imperials and even 'ol Darthi 'imself comsa a knockin' at ya door.

*"Hello. Is...--looks down at notecard-- PL Jedi #354 here at the moment?"*

**Let me check... "Hey, John!!! ARE YOU HERE RIGHT NOW???**

***"Who is it?***

**"It's some freak in a black suit and helmet. He's breathin funny."***

***"Well tell him I'm not here now."***

**"I'm sorry. He's not here now. You'll have to check back later."**

*"That's alright. I'll just make myself comfy untill #354 returns."*


And that's when Vader storms the place killing everyone for housing Jedi. NO ONE IS SAFE IN UberJediGuild!!!


MWUHAHAHAHA.... HA!!! And he kills them.;):p:D

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I personally love the Permadeath system. It makes people respect the class more if you had thus many played hours without a single death.


I am looking forward to an actual chalenge in an MMORPG, personally I am sick and tired of logging in -- getting a group -- killing crap for hours upon hours -- logging (AkA EQ, DAoC, UO, etc.....). I love MMORPG's BUT that is getting a little boring.


As for Jedi PL, static encounters are going to make that a bit hard. I personally would rather solo my way through the Jedi ranks, I would be much more proud of my achievments if I did (that is if I get the slot).


I am personally looking forward to this game, ever since I heard about it I have yearned to wield that kick ass double-bladed lightsaber. I will do anything it takes to open my slot, but personally I think a year is too much to ask of paying customers. In a year it will be near impossible to be a successful Jedi (which is the point, but with server overpopulation and thus LAG accidental deaths and deaths out of the control of the Player will have increased).


Lastly, even with a set quest, the number of Jedi would still be very low. Lets look at the people who would actually be able to play a Jedi effectively:


1. Hardcore Gamers (8+ hours a day) as far as I am concerned, if you spend what contends with a full day of work in the game... you deserve to be whatever you want to be.


2. Experienced MMORPGers. those of us who have played mmorpg's for years and can pretty much slide into the games easily.


3. Uber Guilders I put this in only because the better your equipment the easier life is. I think PLing will be quite impossible with static encounters. The more people you have, the more mobs you fight. Soloing should give almost the same chance as PLing.


People who just try the class dont count, if you dont reach Pedawan (sp?) status you dont count for crap as far as I am concerned, and that is going to be 80% of those who unlock the slot. Add in the ammount of players actually skilled enough to keep a permadeath avatar alive and you have all that you need.


So I ask this: Why make it so damned hard to open the slot?

It doesnt affect control, annoys the hell out of the people who have wanted to be a Jedi since the game was announced, and serves no purpose other than to fatten Sony's pockets by trying (prolly in vain) to keep a customer base.


just my 2 cents....

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Originally posted by Sunshine Badass




2.) There is a COMPLETELY RANDOM way to unlock the FS slot per account, so you can't just go out and sell the secret because it WILL NOT WORK for ANY other account but yours.



Eh, no. This was the aim at first, but if it still was the case, then why would the devs in recently state (i think it was in one of the gamespot movies) that "sure, some players will eventually find out how to become jedi and spread the info to the rest of the players, but we don't want to spoil the surprise and tell them from the start" (the quote is not a quote, but that is what they said). FS is no longer something unique to your account. It will just take a lot of time before we are sure just what it requires.


And the unlocking serves just as the unlocking that is a vital part of console gaming: it gives you a reason to try harder, it gives the game added lifespan, and it makes you more proud when you complete the feat. I like it. But then, I am one of those "the more unlockable characters/weapons/modes/levels, the better!"-people. :)

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Yeah, I could easily be wrong about that, Set, but that's what I remember. Could have been changed, and I would love it if it was random per account. :D Would lessen the amount of lazy people out there who would rather just go buy an FS account on Ebay as mentioned earlier because someone could afford to sell it. (They could always just make another...) *sigh*


I want random method per account... that would please me and make me cherish my account and my accomplishments for unlocking this feature in a way that was unique to me so I couldn't just ask someone how to do... I would have the experience of learning myself.


*Can't hurt to dream can it?:( *

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