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50 dollars?


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Well, lets see, i've seen it for....







and........thats it. Take your pick.


BTW, I don't know the canadian dollar value.

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Guest Hannibal

Nothing personal to the designers but this seems more like a 40-45 dollar game. I'm guessing they're charging 50 because they can. I know I'm gonna buy it at 50.

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Guest xwing guy

If I you fergie I would stash away about a 100 dollars for Gb and jk2(asmuing that each will be about 50 dollars) and then worry about ps2 stuff later.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Hey all!


Well $50 isnt bad I think.

Here in the UK i think it will sell for around 40.00 pounds or $65-70!!


I havent bought a game in a while, since RA2 (which to me seems pants) - so money worth spent!



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Guest Hannibal
Originally posted by Paladin

It is worth it.

Most good computer games sell at 50


I usually don't buy a game when it's completely new so I'll have to take your word for it. :)


Let's see Diablo II, the Sims and NBA Live 2001 were the only new games I bought every other had been out at least a year or more.

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Guest Stormtrooper

Buying a strat book doesn't take the fun out of the game,actually it provides better info on all the units and buildings than the game manual will provide...sure it has walkthroughs for camp missions, but i don't really look at them.. I just like the detailed information on individual units and buildings, plus it probably has tips on editing custom maps etc for new users and so on.:)

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Originally posted by Hannibal


I usually don't buy a game when it's completely new so I'll have to take your word for it. :)


Let's see Diablo II, the Sims and NBA Live 2001 were the only new games I bought every other had been out at least a year or more.


i hear you hannibal, i wait a little bit or i also wait to use ebay to get games at a good price. i have connections at EA sports that hook me up with sports games for around 10 dollars.


i think this game is worth 50, but with the economy projected to be struggling for a little bit i'll see if i can get it for less.....

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Originally posted by xwing guy

If I you fergie I would stash away about a 100 dollars for Gb and jk2(asmuing that each will be about 50 dollars) and then worry about ps2 stuff later.


I don't know...I've got several hundred reseved for Games and I think I'll buy those with my money. But I'll also try to get the PS2 stuff for christmas...

Also I think I'll try to get Empire Earth simply because I liked Civ. series and always thought it needed better graphics.

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Originally posted by Excaliber

I'm not wasting my money on this game until its under $20.


I can't see that happening in less than a year and a half, and it might be more like 2, or more.

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