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Advanced archway


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What im trying to acomplish is to make a Arch that looks somthing like the St. Lousivile Arch. But it would have a simple square base on each side. Maybe a better example would be the Mc Donalds arch. I can make the top and bottom to the arch with bevel thats set up right. BUt i have no clue on how to add the sides to it. Cuse if you add a end cap it just overlaps the top part of the arch and i want it to stay inbetween. any thoughts?



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This is a crapy sketch of waht i got, but i need walls on face and back of this sketch. sorry for alll the periods




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I hope I get what you said. :)



So. Make your two bases and then make and endcap as you said, to overlap from one outer side to the other, and make it to have the texture on the upper face. Now you have to thicken your endcap with the Thicken item from Curve menu. For the value type in the with of the bases.


Sometimes this is not accurate enough. You have the option to make the two endcaps (upper and lower) and the creat a simple patch mesh and bend it to fill the hole and clone it for the other side.


wedge2211 posted about a tutorial about patches. You can find the post in the resources thread.

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Yup yup. :D


I, personally, don't trust Thicken, I tried it a couple times, but settled on just doing it manually.


Yeah, make the upper and lower faces of the arch using endcaps (half-circles), and then you have to make the sides with patch meshes. I posted my little "tutorial" address on the resources thread, but it never hurts to do it again:



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