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Help with map compile error.


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Right my very basic map compiles ok, but once I try to load it in JK2 the game quits down to the remote console, this is the entire log:




Can anyone tell me why my map isnt loading?. I have tried compiling one of the sample maps and they all work fine, my map is very basic and I cannot find any obvious errors, if you want you can e-mail me and i will send u the .map or contact me on MSN Messenger @ billylowe@hotmail.com



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I dunno where Bell got his idea, but I dont think it's the levelshot. If a levelshot is done incorrectly, it just doesnt show up in the screen. THe level would still load correctly. (Edit) Nor could it have been an incorrectly sized texture - again, the level would load correctly and the texture would be displayed as a grey and white grid. (end Edit)


However, at the bottom of the list, this line caught my eye :

Requested feature was omitted at compile time


Now, ,I've never seen it before, but it came right after some Open_GL file type stuff. It makes me think that you did something with the map itself when you compiled that turned off a feature. *shrug* No idea what it was... but just to idiot check, you DID do a FULL compile? Not a relight, fastvis only, or some other such?

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Now THAT could be a valid issue.


Hello, make sure that you are using the proper entity set... It'll be listed under "Preferances". If you are using the wrong set (If you were using SP entities in an MP map) the entities that aren't used by the MP side would be omitted... and thus, couldn't be called up because they were nevermade a part of the map.


That's a good thought, Bell.

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I don't think it could be a levelshot


Well, it was. Following a tutorial @ RichDiesal's JK2Radiant Mapsource I was told that to get higher quality levelshots you should take a screenshot and resize it. Obviously screenshots are .jpg and levelshots - .tga. Re-saving my levelshots fixed the problem. Thanks for all the help though guys.

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Originally posted by Shadriss

Now THAT could be a valid issue.


Hello, make sure that you are using the proper entity set... It'll be listed under "Preferances". If you are using the wrong set (If you were using SP entities in an MP map) the entities that aren't used by the MP side would be omitted... and thus, couldn't be called up because they were nevermade a part of the map.


That's a good thought, Bell.

Aaaaaand, if you take a close look on that log you can see that it is the SP executable, and you probably wanted to load your MP map. Or not? Sometimes it works with no problem. I said sometimes. :)
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