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Why use SURF files... ??


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Why did JK2 developers use .SURF files, why most model/

skin makers use them ??


(they only work in MP games and without problems only

if dismemberments are OFF)


Why don't always use "nodraw" in .SKIN file ??


(that works in both SP and MP games and with and

without dismemberments and with player and AI

controlled characters and when using it there

are no need for any extra files...)


So... WHY ??

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Originally posted by AKPiggott

That's actually a good point. And it's not "nodraw" you type to make a SKIN file make a mesh invisible, it's "clear".


"clear" ? oh well... maybe there are many... (but "nodraw"

is the one that i know that it works...)




When you want to (for example) turn ep1_obi models robe

off you open that skin file and search for these lines:






And you replace them with:






Its that easy and it works always... so why do we need

those SURF files...

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well some models have switched some part off, for example the stormtrooper has by default the pauldron switched off but with a surf files it can be shown.

other example : if you look at the Jan model and wanna make a skin for it but you want to remove the weird skirt she wears you could simply use a nodraw, but then she would have no "behind"

to make her behind show we use a surf file that switches it on

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