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Which is the coolest looking campaign

Guest Paladin

Which Campaign looks/sounds the coolest?  

23 members have voted

  1. 1. Which Campaign looks/sounds the coolest?

    • Trade Federation(OOM-9)
    • Gungans(Boss Nass)
    • Rebels(Leia Organa)
    • Galactic Empire(Darth Vader)
    • Wookies(Chewie,Attitchuck)

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Guest xwing guy

I think the wookiee campaign and the TF campaign b/c in the wookiee campagin you get to fight against the Imps and trandos on Kashyykk, and in the TF campaign you get to command 800 driods and that'll be cool.

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I think the gungans campaign will be one of the more interesting ones, because it is set long before the starwars movie era. The storyline will be completely oringinal so it wont be like some of the other ones where you already know the storyline.

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Originally posted by Gungan Warrior

Why does no one like the gungans just because jar jar is clumsy doesnt mean they are all like him and the gungans helped naboo win and they didnt have too but the trade federation would beat the primative gungans most of the time:fett:


Remember Gaber said that Gungans are his favorite civ right now...

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