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Skybox light brightness


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You have to edit the shader code. Here is the code for the skybox I used in "City of the Ancients:"


qer_editorimage	textures/skies/sky.tga
q3map_skylight	75 3
q3map_sun 1 1 1 200 30 65
surfaceparm	sky
surfaceparm	noimpact
surfaceparm	nomarks
skyParms	textures/city/oceansky 512 -


Okay, see the "skylight" and "sun" lines? Those control the sunlight that your skybox emits.


q3map_skylight	75 3


This means to make a sun light with brightness 75 and calculate 3 bounces (correct me if I'm wrong, Leslie :))


q3map_sun 1 1 1 200 30 65


Okay, let me rewirte that line a little:



R, G, and B are the colors of your sunlight. RGB values go from 0 0 0 (black) to 1 1 1 (white). LIGHT is the amount of light your sun gives off. ANGLE is the angle of your sun in the sky (compass direction) and ELEVATION is the angle your sun makes with the horizon (0 is sunrise/set, 90 is noon).

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Originally posted by wedge2211

q3map_skylight	75 3


This means to make a sun light with brightness 75 and calculate 3 bounces (correct me if I'm wrong, Leslie :))


Yes you are. :) As I was when I was talking about this. Since that ydnar explained that. So:


q3map_skylight <brightness> <iteration>


Brightness is obvious. Iteration says how much light source to create to simulate the light from sky (not sun lights but something like that) which comes from everywhere. Iteration is not the exact number of light sources.


For example the value 1 produces 4 light sources and 8 produces around 350. So don't overdo this. :) 1 is good for test compiles and ydnar says 3 or 4 for finals.


I tried 8 once and it took 10+ hour to make the lighting. With 1 it takes only 5 minutes.



Oh, and keep in mind that q3map_skylight works only with q3map2 compiler not with sof2map. With sof2map use q3map_surfacelight <brightness> to emit light and q3map_lightsubdivide <distance between light sources(?)> to make it smoother.

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