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EMI Herman Toothrot HELP


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When I came up to Herman I threw the coconut at him, then I hit him with the milk bottle, but then I threw the weed wacker at him and my little frankenstein doll thing and the bronze hat I got from winning monkey combat. I didnt see the accordion till I did all of this other stuff and it took me forever to win at the combat thing, but now that I have the accordion and Ive read a walkthrough saying to use the accordion on him but now when I hit him with it Guybrush says "Herman" and he says "where" and then thats it somebody has to know something I dont want to go throught the monkey combat again.

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do you still have the coconut and the milk bottle? if you do, i'd try using both of them again and then chucking the accordion at him. if that's not the problem, then i don't know what it is. and i don't think going through monkey combat(or does it start with a k?) again will really do anything. maybe there's something messed up with your disc.


my disc is messed up too. it's the part where you meet other guybrush in the mystes o' time. he hands something to me, i hit p or whatever the command button is, but he doesn't take it. he just sticks his little gondola stick or whatever it's called in the water, and then he just makes some choppy movements and picks it back up again. *shrug* not like it matters, i've already beaten the game once or twice. oh yeah, it also messes up on the menu. the options just keep scrolling down and the text is kind of goofy on the menu.


so maybe a lot of people have problems and glitches in their discs. or maybe you just have to try throwing all of them again.



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Keep throwing the coconut on him until he reverts back to his former state. If you've thrown the milk bottle at him ten times, and the weedwacker 15 times, you'll need to throw the coconut at him 25 times. Or something along those lines.

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