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Has anyone here figured out how to put a timer on brushes and effects yet? I'm trying to make something similar to ffa_deathstar's "beam of death" but I want it to switch off on its own. How would I make it so that my trigger_hurts and effects turn off on their own so I don't have to keep pressing it? This is what I have:


trigger_multiple : trigger_hurt (x6) -> target_speaker -> fx_runner


Otherwise, the sound will play every time someone triggers it (to turn it off).


Someone give me a hand here ;P

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Use func_timer to trigger those things. To make something on, use a target_activate, to turn off, use a target_deactivate.


So. you have an fx_runner, a target_speaker, and a trigger_hurt. Forget the trigger_multiple. Give these things the same targetname say "beam".


Place a func_timer and set the time between the ON times. For example 20 seconds. Place a target_activate. Target the func_timer to the target_activate, and that to the other 3 entity. So this will turn them on periodically.


Now make a target_delay. Give it the same targetname as the target_activate has, so they will be fired at the same time by the func_timer. Give the target_delay a time which will be the interval how long the beam is on.


Now make a target_deactivate. Target it to the 3 original entity, and target the target_delay to this new target_deactivate.


Hope I didn't make any errors. :)

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