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I'm wondering


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Here is one of the water shaders of Yavin:

qer_editorimage	textures/yavin/water1
q3map_tesssize	256
surfaceparm	nonsolid
surfaceparm	water
surfaceparm	fog
surfaceparm	trans
q3map_material	Water
fogparms	( 0.105098 0.147157 0.0431373 ) 128.0
cull	disable
       map textures/yavin/water1
       blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ZERO
       rgbGen exactVertex
       alphaGen const 0.9
       tcMod turb 0 0.08 0.04 0.08
       tcMod scroll -0.05 -0.001
       map textures/yavin/water_test
       blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_ZERO
       tcMod turb 0 0.1 0.4 0.09
[b]    {
       clampmap gfx/sprites/rainring2
           surfaceSprites effect 1 1 48 300
           ssFademax 600
           ssVariance 2 1
           ssFXDuration 800
           ssFXGrow 10 10
           ssFXAlphaRange 1 0
       blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE
       clampmap gfx/sprites/bubble2
           surfaceSprites effect 0.6 0.45 48 300
           ssFademax 600
           ssVariance 1 1
           ssFXDuration 800
           ssFXGrow 2 2
           ssFXAlphaRange 0.2 0.5
       blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE
       clampmap gfx/sprites/fog
           surfaceSprites effect 20 8 50 200
           ssFademax 1300
           ssFadescale 2
           ssVariance 2 1
           ssWind 10
           ssFXDuration 5000
           ssFXGrow 2 2
           ssFXAlphaRange 0.75 0
       blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE

Look at the bold text. The first stage makes the rainrings on the surface with surface sprites, the second one the bubbles. So the splash effect caused by rain is part of the water shader.

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I'm not sure how you incorperate rain for mp but I do know how to do it for sp. This may still work for mp but I'm not sure. All you have to do is create a brush and inside of that brush will be rain. And texture that brush with outdoor. Its in the system textures. Now put a fx_rain inside of the outside brush. this should create rain where ever the outside brush is. :)


:But again I only know it works with sp it might work with mp or not I don't know.

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