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2 semi-advanced questions....


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is there any way to make a door swing....as if on hinges?


And my second question is about lighting


On those lights (you can see in Dad*Mad's Snow pack) where you look and can see a prism of light emitting from the actual light. This probably isnt a good enough description but umm.....Well I use a Beam shader to make the light but what textures do I put on the top (side touching actual light) and the side farthest from the light perpendicular to it?

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First, No. There IS a modification being worked on that allows this, but it cannot be done with the unnmodified version.


Second, nothing. In fact, I personally, dont use an actual brush for this. I use a square cylinder and line it up for the effect. That way, I can still walk THROUGH the light beam. :)

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