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The Emperors reason


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Palpatine won't have to do much, with emergancy powers he can enforce new laws without permission of the senate, its similar to how Hitler got into power....


As for the jedi, Palpatine will disband them for treason, remember Dooku told Obi Wan a sith lord is controlling the senate, then Mace and Yoda agreed to watch the senate more carefully from now on. Wll obviousy as dooku told sidious all is going to plan therefore Palpaltine will get rid of the jedi when he makes out that they were spying on the senate and conspiring to overthrow him....treason....

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As for the jedi, Palpatine will disband them for treason, remember Dooku told Obi Wan a sith lord is controlling the senate, then Mace and Yoda agreed to watch the senate more carefully from now on. Wll obviousy as dooku told sidious all is going to plan therefore Palpaltine will get rid of the jedi when he makes out that they were spying on the senate and conspiring to overthrow him....treason....


In my opinion by the way, I'm not saying that will happen its just a possibility.

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i wanna see palpy take out like 10 jedi at once. if he's so bad ass, let's see it. they warn luke that the emperor is powerful... so they must know from experience or second hand info... let's see him whip about 10 jedi with that lightening. he'd have to be badass to get yoda into hiding...

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The seeds for the Jedi downfall have already been planted. Or do you all not recall that a "jedi" ordered the clone army 10 years prior to AOTC. And that only a "jedi" could erase from the archive computer the location of kamino. And that the war starts on Geonosis, which in essence was an attack on the Geonosians, sending a Jedi Knight to "spy" and then the army there to rescue them, touching off the war.


Sidious is a master manipulator and we'll see more of that in Ep3 I'm certain.


As far as how many jedi will die on-screen in Ep3 depends largely on the EU material that's going hand in hand over the next 3 years and that holocron website. I'm sure we're going to be hearing of many jedi dying in between now and the time the movie is released.

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My guess would be that Sidious in fact trick the jedi. We see how much sway he has with them in Ep1+2. what if he tells the jedi that group of people are against the senete(SP)and the jedi should kill them. the jedi kill them and then Sidioussay look the jedi are killing inocents theve gone crazy,kill em

thats my guess

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