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Would you use sith poison, seduction of the darkside how strong is it


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The weapons of the sith, their armor, and most bt not least the sith poison.


If your in a position and you know char isn't going to win battle or duel with your current state and you had to dig into your potential to have a decent chance a victory, the only other option is to run from this must happen/must fight of the story and try and train in time on extra missions.

If presented would you take sith poison to make you angry, even it it had nasty after effects.

Anger, agression, hate, the force flows strongly when those eomtions are present, the more anger the stronger the force flows through you. Would you take this shortcut if nccessary to win. Or would you train, being patient reaching that level with time without the side affects of the poison its your choice.


Which and why?

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To be honest, I certainly hope that there will be situations like these that will truly live up the game. For my first character, I really want to try a character who's 100% Light Jedi, who doesn't even consider using the Dark Side an option. But at some point, he can't avoid it, and has to resort to the Dark Side, which could leave devastating consequences.


So yes, my first character would most definatley use the Sith Poison if he really, REALLY sees no other way out, and would certainly try to make up for the mistake...

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If I'm a "light side" jedi knight, I'm not going to be using anything that would even increase my chances of turning to the darkside. If in that situation, I would much rather try to use my knowledge of the force and see what happens. :)


When I play the game through again as a "dark jedi" I will most definitely use all of the sith tricks to my advantage. I will do what I can to get the quick/easy result. :)

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