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Secret Civ Poll


Which secret civ would you like besides Ewoks?  

12 members have voted

  1. 1. Which secret civ would you like besides Ewoks?

    • True Hutt Civ
    • Jawas/Tusken Civ
    • LucasArts Nerdz civ

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Well we already have indy so there shouldn't be two Harrison Ford unit in one civ(buildable I mean) as for Mark Hamill I don't think he can be put as any unit...except a voice actor unit that kills its enemies by yelling into their ears...


and Vader I wasn't talking about you but rather about emimar, Phreak and Lord Fegie who were almost getting this thread off-topic and^Phreak mentionned the OTDC which could have got this thread closed.

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I think the Monkey Island and Indy jones, and all that stuff would be included with the Lucas Arts Civ. There, I gave it a better name. It would include anything made by LA, and George would be like the LA "Commander."


oh, and he can't really delete this. The other ones got deleted cuz we posted completely pointless stuff, like "monkeys eat bananas", ect. Just keep the thread "clean" by not posting pointless stuff.

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Or, it could be like the pharoh in AoM, the Pharoh gets klled, but doesn't it come back after like 10 minutes or something? I cant remember.


GL couldbe like a commander unit, but he also have good attacks and stuff. And the other civs could have a similar comander, but different units based on the civ.

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Yeah, the Pharaoh was my inspiration, but I was thinking something more along the lines of the Son of Osiris, and he definitely doesn't come back from the dead.


You mean the other secret civs could have commanders? Yeah, that might be fun- you could have Wicket with super stick-poking techniques, Jabba packing a blaster cannon, and so on...

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Not only is each civ unique, the secret civs aren't even supposed to follow the basic general unit schemes (i.e. mechs, troopers, jedi, ect.). Plus, since they aren't able to be used in RM or DM online, they don't need to be balanced. So, we can have GL be anything we want (but only having one of him makes more sense)

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Sith: Argh, we've been through this before- they can be used in online play, but they still don't need to be balanced. And you know what I'm talking about with the Son of Osiris thing, so you should be able to see my plans for GL.


Phreak: Heh, quite so. But I think him slithering along toting an E-Web Repeater Cannon would be rather amusing...


Luke's dad: Eh, I'd rather just one GL. Maybe that could be the tricky thing about the Lucas Civ- you can only have one of all the people (like GL, Rick McCallum, Harrison Ford, and so on) but you can have heaps of minivans, camera crews (a new idea of mine- it's a mobile assault team, and the camera fires blaster bolts), little yellow stickmen and so on.

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I think Jabba could BE the tank

Originally posted by CorranSec

Lol. But still, I think a single Natalie Portman, a single Leia in slave costume and a single GL would be quite fun.....


oooh... naughty picture in my head :D


I think Jabba could BE the tank. And he'd be good against troopers cuz he can use his tail as a very power battering ram

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Thank God there aren't any feminists around here(except emimar).

These kind of things always happen when a bunch of guys are around:rolleyes: ... I'm not better...(talking about Natalie Portman and Princess Leia in the golden biniki)


Anyway, Jabba doesn't have anything to do with LA but with the True Hutt Civ. He could be a hero or a commander.

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