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Current favorite game?

Link Antilles

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I got 2 games taken up some space on my PC right now: Shogun Totalwar: The warlords edition (best SP strategy campaign game that i have ever played) and i have taken the dust off my star wars: rebellion CD box :confused: .... Yep, i'm playing a modified version (with rebEd cards). Guess i'm gearing up to battlegrounds release in november. :D

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Guest Stormtrooper

DoD(Day of Defeat),RA2 and i'm currently playing "Wolfenstien "multiplayer test (looking good). If your a DoD fan i would take a look at this one, it's very impressive looking especially the flamethrower infantry.:D

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Guest Master Yoda

At the moment my favorite game would have to be The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, one of the best games ever made!!! With AOKTC as my favorite on PC.(practicing for GBG)

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