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concerning forcefields


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Make a caulk brush and texture both sides of it with a forcefield texture of your choice. I usually pick redfield1. Then select the entire peice and make it a "func_usable" then put KEY: targetname VALUE: forcefield. Then make sure you check the "STARTOFF" box. Deselect everything. Then Next to your forcefield (or where ever you want to put it) carve out a button hole and make a little square. Texture the front of it with some neato burrito button texture. Then select it and make it a func_button. Pick what angle you want it to put in (90, up, 180 etc.) Then put KEY: target VALUE: forcefield. YOu should then see a blue line connected to your forcefield wall youve made. Save it and compile it.


This way ive shown you above is the only way i could get it to work in MP mapping. For singleplayer forcefield using single player entities, try here: http://mapping.jediknightii.net/tutorials.htm


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