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UK knows more than wat he is giving out


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Guest DarthMaulUK

I dont know Garry all that well, but the contact I have had with him via email and on the ZONE has been good. He is a great guy.


As for info on SWGB 2, I know as much about it as you do. Besides, when I do find out information (like i did with Clone Campaigns) I do run things past LA first before posting it.


I have a contact @ LA who i speak with and they either offer me information for the site, or Q&A sessions etc.


And as I keep saying, there won't be any info on SWGB 2 for a while, but I am HOPING that at E3 in May, LA will announce something.


This is the time when they normally do and whenever LA are ready to post info about SWGB 2, GB.com WILL be first to know.



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Hey DMUK, I have a question for you: How did you get in on the whole GB.com thing? Did you first make a fan site for GB and then so many people came to it that it turned into a big thing? Or did you have friends in high places and they put you in charge of making GB? Either way it's pretty cool, you have "contacts." What could be better than that?

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Guest DarthMaulUK



GB.com started around the same time as I made a GB website for those living in the UK.


My site attrached alot of people and even provided PC Gamer in the UK with Scenarios/Campaigns for their cover mount CDs. Well designed, good features etc made it a hit.


During the same time, GB.com was busy also. Great forums, but it lacked everything. Every button you would click on would have no information, nothing.


I thought it was sad to see GB.com go downhill like it was. Really lagging behind. I enjoy making websites etc and at that time, it was my work ( I now work in the games industry).


Anyway. GB.com needed someone to help run the site, so I offered my services and because of my old website http://www.galacticbattlegrounds.co.uk (which points to this place) I got the job.


I started right away on a fresh design and carrying over what I had on my site onto here. For those who remember the old place, I hope they all agree how far this site has come in the year and a bit.


So thats how it sort of started! And this from Crazy_dog3 'Trust no-one clonedjedi. It's all part of a government conspiracy to ban games and thefore setting the way for an alien invasion.' brought tears to my eyes :-p



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