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Scenario Reviewer wanted

Guest DarthMaulUK

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Guest DarthMaulUK

I am hoping alot of you are starting to create some new scenarios/campaigns for the game.


It would be cool if we had a reviewer for new scenarios/mods/campaigns that get submitted to GB.com


Any volunteers? Also, are any of you working on new creations?



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Well, I am a Scenario Player myself, and I'm always judging them myself. I would gladly participate in reviewing Scenarios, but you must understand that I'm not an artistic writer. I'd give it a "grade" and tell the ups and downs of the Scenario. Plus, I got plenty of free time. . . unless my parents are on the computer. . . *sigh* just 1 more year and then off to college :D

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Well..... I do download and play quite a few scenarios and campaigns, but I'm not sure whether I'd be a great reviewer. I mean, I could give it a try....


It's always good to have a 'panel' of reviewers- two, at the least. Just having one can lead to biased or plain incorrect opinions. So I suggest having a couple, if you really want quality reviews of quality scenarios.

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We could be the scenario reviewers club! Me and my crazy clubs...


Anyway, I think it shouldn't be necessary for every reviewer to review 4 times the same scenario and discuss it and have a lot of debating going on blablabl and then have a final review that takes a month to do. We should simply split up the two north americans(Phreak and I) and the two australians (Vostok and Corran) and have two different reviews instead of just one or four. the debating would be less intense and if Phreak has MSN messenger (or Corran and Vostok)we could discuss the scen without the need of creting a new forum part and I think we should just tell any scen maker to come and show their scen right here. It's just easier and I fear that the new forum section(if it's created) will be abandonned like all of those sections where nobody goes anymore.

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Okay, two reviews would be good, with the two pairs working together. And MSN conversations would be a good idea. I have MSN, Luke's dad has MSN, and I think Phreak and Vostok have hotmail accounts, so we could just use that.


Ah, I'm sure DMUK would let us have this little club, especially seeing as it helps his site.


We could put it in our sigs! Ah, the memories....

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The scenerio review team looks startlingly similar to the OTDC:)


DMUK: I'd love to do it, but I'm just curious about the specifics. Would the reviewers score be postedby the download section, or would all of the reviews be posted on the forums? And are all scenerios to be given posted reviews, or just the ones the reviewers think are good? Would the same reviewers also then rate mods or RMS's?


Yeah, and more than one person is a must, becuase I know I'm really picky about scenerios (I heavily weight gameplay and get really ticked of at people who overuse triggers).

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Once Lucasfiles is sorted out, we can get this thing off the ground. Currently there is a server problem and no one to run the site.


I will be taking it over soon, so once that happens, I will start to sort out GB.com downloads.



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