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Orange and Purple Stances?

Mace Window

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Hopefully someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that the orange and purple stances refer to the stances used by Tavion and Desann in SP. To get this you need cheats enabled, and set saber offense to 5, with the setSaberOffense command. I know this works in SP, but I don't know about MP.


To enable cheats in SP, in the console (**** ~) type helpusobi 1. In MP you need to put devmap <name of the map>.


To get the double saber in MP, IIRC the cheat is theDestroyer.

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The purple & orange stances are part of a mod, but they may be Tavion's & Desann's stances, not sure. The cheats Prime is talking about will give you 2 extra stances which I believe are also Tavion's & Desann's, but they don't turn orange & purple, instead there are 2 blue & 2 red along with the 1 yellow stance.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Jedi VS Merc isnt really a mod you have to dl, but its availible, I have no idea how to get it though, and Omnimod is good yes, but I prefer Jedi Plus simply because of its saber blade customization, Omnimod uses TCK saber config, which only lets you change glow color, so basically you only have a normal looking saber, just a little different, but JediPlus mod lets you change both core light and glow light, so you could have a yellow core with a blue glow, very very cool.

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  • 2 weeks later...

From my page:


Jedi vs. Merc Overview


Using this mode requires the 1.04 patch to be installed. Next, the server must have a console command enabled in the main config file (for example the autoexec.cfg)

seta g_jediVmerc "1"

(1 means that all game modes are set to "Jedi vs. Merc" until changed. 0 allows normal gameplay in each gametype. Think of it as a switch, just like the "Saber Only" switch).

You'll know its a Jedi vs. Merc server, when it displays this icon in the server menu:






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