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Anyone see the movie "S1M0NE"?


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More wanting to see Gangs of New York and One Hour Photo before I see S1M0NE.


Haven't we got something close to this, with Gollum in TTT, not too far off quite a believable character. Wouldn't be too hard to give Gollum a more realistic texture then we could see where things are in relation to what S1M0NE has bought up.


Give WETA Digital and ILM long enough and it will be a reality.

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Simone was purposly made to look a bit "fake" just because they wanted it to look more "computerized"


I liked it because they didnt make it another "impossible AI comes to life". It was all done by the director. He was the one moving and talking, while the program imitated the movements and speech. It was actually "possible"

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