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They Might BE JEdi Map


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I'll tell you how to make the .arena, use notepad to make this:


map "nameofmap"

bots "defaultbot"

longname "nameoncreateserverlist"

fraglimit "defaultkilllimit"

type "typesofgamesitcanbeusedfor"



(keep the quotes and replace name of map with what you type in the console window to play it (ffa_* or something like that), for bots, put any bot you want (it really doesn't matter), for longname, put the name you want to select when creating a server, for fraglimit, put any number, and for type, put ffa, team, ctf, cty, holocron, jedimaster, and/or duel. You can pick as many of those in the last type as you want, but put spaces between them and put quotation marks around each of them.


For the pk3, use pakscape if you have it to open the pk3 and put the .txt under scripts. (Save the notepad doc. under "allfiles" and as *.arena)


If you don't, I think you can use a program like winzip and add it to the zip file under scripts. I think this is what you do.

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If you use winzip you cant just add it in or you will lose the directory structure for that particular file. You must unzip the contents making sure Use Folder names is checked. the easiest way to do it is to make a folder on your desktop called base, unzip the pk3 to that folder with "use folder names" checked. add the arena file in the scripts folder (if its not there, make it) Then delete all the files in the pk3. click on add, navigate to the new base folder you created. dont click on any of the folders inside it though. make sure "include subfolders" is checked, then click the "Add with wildcards" button there ya go! all done!

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