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Hello Marius :)

Not much action is on our forum at the time being, since Roger Foodbelly is still in its early stages, and not much advertise has been done, hence that's why there's not so many knowing of it yet. But I know that this forum will be a lot more kicking, when we've released the demo of it, and such.


Roger Foodbelly is going kind of slow, since our background leader is attending the army till the summer, and we haven't got more planned. Our animator has almost finished the intro movie, so that's good. :)


We'll be expanding the design document next week, or in a month. Because of small issues in our lives ;)


But Roger Foodbelly is still being worked on, and we'll complete it, you'll see... The homepage design is still being worked on, but you can check JustAdventure's (http://www.justadventure.com)Schedule of Upcoming Releases, where you can find Roger Foodbelly.


We're still looking for an experienced HTML programmer though... to put the site together.


Thanks for showing your interest.

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Yes, indeed Erwin. He'll be back in the summer though.. :)


Originally posted by mariusfinnstun

when I read the name Foodbelly , I automaticly think of "askeladden" ..... is there anything behind that ??

No. There's nothing behind that. He's not a new askeladden, hehe... Think more in the direction of Tolkien. You can probably figure out the rest of the picture :)

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Originally posted by mariusfinnstun

do you need any backgrounds or anything ???

Hmmm... No... Sorry, it's all booked.

We can't afford to hire more people, even though, we're still looking for voice actors. Mostly females. We can hire some more, if they want to work free - and they'll end up with a free copy of the game. The last voice actor we're going to pay will be a female.


P.S - Check the news/staff section now, Marius ;)

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