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Project Shadow

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I want to know who reads my comic thats at the bSBC and what you guys think of it. No one ever post comments so I'm curious to what everyone thinks. If you haven't read it check it out, it has it's own sub catagory in the BSBC gallery. It has 30 pages (#0 doesn't count, and I uploaded one today that isn't up yet) so please check it out and tell me what you think!

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I checked it out.

I feel that the use of game sprites should be avoided because it lacks sincerity. The characters seem to jump all over the places, and stuff seems to happen outside the boundaries of a coherent storyline. I can see its potentials, but you need to develop some kind of a plot, character development and/or humour.


But that's just my opinion, so please ignore it if you disagree or find it offensive. I applaud your effort, and hope to see it continue.

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