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* Kick Video * NEW


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griff have a kf w/ B, trust me man even I can't land a single hit on him when he is actually trying.


Now that =X=IdiotSavant has left JK2 it is down to either Break or SpeciaL from FK who holds the crown as the best kicker in JK2.


2 months ago (sorry dude) I would have had to say it was SpeciaL but now I have to go with Break. I by no means have the fastest feet in JK2 but up until recently when playing B I have never been totally shut out by anyone in a kick fight repeatedly w/o landing a single shot.

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Originally posted by Unnamed Jed1

griff have a kf w/ B, trust me man even I can't land a single hit on him when he is actually trying.


I have never been totally shut out by anyone in a kick fight repeatedly w/o landing a single shot.




I know, we have been here before haven't we?


Seriously i know you guys will hand me back my arse on a silver platter with garnish. I don't want anyone thinking my video clips are an attempt to showcase my skills.( my skill is editing)

I just want them to be funny or sarcastic.


As far as BDF is concerned I really enjoy trying to provoke him, the forum gets boring sometimes and he sparks it up a bit without flaming.

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Well... yeah, that fight I had w/ Special was also after I quit for 4 weeks; my kicking was rusty. Shortly after, I learned the "secret" to kicking. Before I'd been just ptking ppl to death (which works). Kicking is just a side thing...


Griff, $20 from UJ's paypal account says that 3 of our bots > you. 8)

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To kick, you just do the wall flip except instead of a wall you have another person(run towards them and hit jump twice as you touch them). Both forward and side work, but I am wondering how you kicked so high (I think it was morgan). You went three times your own height. I watched a few days ago so mabye I'm not remembering right, but I think you did.

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Griff, your video was great and had a very tongue-in-cheek feel to it. The music and sound effects really made it evident that you were making the video for people to have laughs, and it worked.


Video's showcasing sniping skill and mid-air kills while backflipping with one hand tied behind your back are nice to watch the first time, but I usually end up removing them from my HDD, yours for some reason stays there and I watch it from time to time to get a grin. :)

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