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Dark Troopers: Human or Robot?


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Originally posted by ackehallgren

but is every Phase 3 trooper built like a suit, or are their actual robot - dark trooper phae 3????:confused:


well, i would say its kinda hard to tell seeing as only one (supposedly) was completed. however, i think they would all be made the same, functional as a robot but also an exosuit.

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Phase I's are exoskelotons with a big shield and dueling sword.


Phase II's are giant droids programmed with human fighting skills and carry big guns and have jetpaks to manuever around rouht terrain and kill enemies while airborne.


Phase III's can either be manned by a human or be a droid like the P2s. The have alot more armor and are alot harder to kill.


Can we drop this? The questions keep coming up with the same answer from myself and ImmolatedYoda all the time...

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