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had to share this... idiots on the zone


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I like CityBuild. In fact, I made a citybuild map. No rigged units., it has claiming trigs, and water and a back pathway that could be used for like subways and stuff. In my CityBuilds, you use your *waves hand* I m a g i n a t i o n and role play as you build. I've only had one really awesome CB. I had this awesome city and had people visit. There was a bar, strip club :D , hotel, car dealer. After an hour of cool RPing, this a-hole unleashed his airforce, but natuarally I had major AA defenses in case of a-holes. They didn't even scrath me. anywho... [/end pointless rant]

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i really dont understand why people use SWGB's for anything other than the great RTS that is.


i LIKE getting resources.

i LIKE making an army.

i LIKE strategy and countermoves.

i LIKE building up.


that is why i bought the damn game.


if i wanted an rpg i would play final fantasy or RIFTS (do people still play that?), if i wanted a "FEST" i would play some fight game or action game.



call me a purist............,just don't call me a "scruffy looking" purist, but i like a nice random map 1 on 1 battle!




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